Beating the Winter Blues

Winter is here – it’s colder, the days are shorter, and you feel your energy levels bottoming out. Basically, you feel like hibernating on the couch… HOWEVER – you have goals! And there’s no off season for the lifestyle you crave! Here’s 4 ways you can beat down the winter blues.

  • Get to the gym

Sounds simple, but this is the hardest part. Your journey to the gym has as many obstacles as a ninja warrior course. Leaving a warm home or office, getting hit by a cold wind, or worse yet, rain. But you will be warm/dry again, I promise! Get there, but in work, and bask in the warm light of your achievements (and sweat).

  • Get outside

As with getting to the gym, commit to going outside to get some natural light. Natural light early in the day will help suppress melatonin secretion which in turn aids your circadian system. If it’s too cold, dark or raining – revert to suggest #1!

  • Eat Healthy

You’re craving more carbohydrates… it happens. Giving in to that will enter you into a deeper cycle of cravings. Try eating more fresh vegetables, and definitely stay away from the family blocks of chocolate. There’s a tonn of tasty vegetables that are in season, including; Asian greens, avocado, broccoli, cabbage, cauliflower, kale, peas, silverbeet, and spinach. Check out a list of seasonal produce at My Green Australia.

  • See your friends and/or family

Make plans, and stick to them. You don’t want to let people down. You’ll feel so much better for getting out and about. Your friends at the gym miss you. Hold each other accountable to attending sessions. You don’t want to leave your PIC (partner in crime) standing there without a partner on the mat. (Yes, this is biased towards training, you’re reading it on the Absolute MMA page after all!)

Serious note

There is actually a condition called Seasonal Affective Disorder, aka “SAD”. It does affect our friends in the northern hemisphere a lot more than than us (approx 1 in 300 Australians). Among the symptoms experienced by sufferers are; extreme tiredness and lack of energy; the need for more sleep; difficulty waking up in the morning; increased appetite (particularly with a craving for carbohydrates); weight gain; loss of interest in activities; anxiety; and irritability.

I imagine a chorus of people yelling, ‘That’s me!” – as that list describes almost everyone at some point. However, if you do need a bit of extra support with combating SAD or similar ailments – contact Beyond Blue on 1300 224 636, or Lifeline on 13 11 44.

Who is Absolute MMA

Since 2011, Absolute MMA has been Melbourne's premiere mixed martial arts training facility.

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