In the beginning, when Simon Carson created Absolute Mixed Martial Arts, he laid yellow mats as the foundations of the gym. A foundation upon which lifelong friendships and bonds were formed. Some say if you catch the light in CBD when the sunlight first hits the doors in the morning, the mats appear yellow. An established OG of the yellow mats, David “The Nice Guy” Lescai remains with Absolute MMA to this day (although the mats, thankfully, have since been changed)!

A professional MMA fighter (2-2), Dave keeps Absolute MMA Collingwood running smoothly while ensuring ROGUE (Absolute MMA’s Amateur MMA events series) runs safely and efficiently. When he’s not encouraging the team and making sure everyone is on track, Dave brews his own cold brew, is a part time hip hop yogi and also a polished man, fundraising for YGAP’s Polished Man campaign, which aims to end violence against children (Donate to Dave at Read on to find out more!

Mantra/Quote to live by?

“Live every week of your life like it’s shark week.”

Nicknames & Fight Names?

“The Nice Guy”, Super Dave, Davy-Boy, Davie-Baby, “Handsome sweet gentle playboy”, The Captain, Sweet-cheeks and Stud muffin.

Have you done other sports besides martial art and which teams/athletes are your favourite? Any funny stories?

“I used to play Aussie rules in the Eastern Football League. In three seasons I managed to injure both shoulders, and knees. I moved to full time fight training, citing the AFL was too dangerous – I stand by that decision.”

What is your favourite travel destination? Why?

“New York City. I love the buzz – it has a great energy. I’d like to live in the lower west side, or lower east side, maybe even Brooklyn.”

What movie have you seen over 5 times?

“Clueless. An undeniable masterpiece. Also: Limitless, Fired Up, Pulp Fiction, and Good Will Hunting.”


“I’m proud to be the 2nd best looking guy at Absolute MMA next to Dave.” – Jeremy Wharerau

“Dave is a very handsome gentleman. I suggest spending as much time around him as possible. Pro tip – ask him about his kombucha.” – Richard Lattemagi 

“David “the nice guy” Lescai was one of the first members to grace the mats at Absolute MMA. He has competed in MMA at a novice, amateur and professional level as well as cornering the fight team and assisting with their weight-cuts. Beyond his knowledge and passion, Dave is just a bloody good bloke who is always up for a bit of banter.” – Darren Gn 


Photo Credit: William Luu

Who is Absolute MMA

Since 2011, Absolute MMA has been Melbourne's premiere mixed martial arts training facility.

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