Escaping the Comfort Zone

Looking for personal growth in 2018? Then it’s time to get out of your comfort zone!

It is possible to be happy and thrive when maintaining the status quo… However, those willing to put themselves out there, stand to take the greatest steps forward.

It can be daunting to go outside your comfort zone. Stepping out feels like a risk. But we’re not talking about swimming with sharks, or diving out of a plane – this is about stepping into a gym – that you will find welcomes you and genuinely wants you to have a good experience.

You’re already interested in trying something new (after all – you’ve read this far!), and the next step is to get to the gym and walk in.

Walking into the gym is the most intimidating part of the whole experience. Why is this? It’s just a door!

On the other side you will find:
– A warm greeting, and introduction to the gym, from one of our friendly staff.
– A close community who check their egos at the door. Our coaches aim to cater to your needs and listen what you want to get out of your training.
– World class facilities with enormous mat spaces and a large variety of gym equipment.
– 162 group classes on offer each week!

Those who summon the courage to do this will be rewarded with growth in so many areas of their lives.

You will gain confidence in yourself and your abilities – both physical and mental. This could be the cornerstone change in your life to set you on your desired trajectory.

“I learned to always take on things I’d never done before. Growth and comfort do not coexist.”
— IBM CEO Ginni Rometty

We do not grow by doing the same things everyday. If you are a golfer, you stand to gain more from taking a series of boxing classes than you would from a golf lesson. By deliberately focusing on an area unfamiliar to you, you stand to build skills and qualities different to what you already possess – taking you to new physical and mental heights.

Step outside your comfort zone to find personal growth and self development, today!

“The definition of insanity is doing the same thing over and over again and expecting a different result.”
– Albert Einstein

Start Today with a free trial class!

Who is Absolute MMA

Since 2011, Absolute MMA has been Melbourne's premiere mixed martial arts training facility.

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