Receptionist Darren “Daz/Dazzdawg” Gn is not just the occasional stand in coach for classes, but also a stand up guy. With a fight record in Mixed Martial Arts of 1:2 and in K1/Muay Thai of 2:1, Darren is just getting starting in his fight career and we can’t wait to see what 2018 brings for him. Have you ever had a really animated pad holder who yells every time you hit the pads? When Darren is on the mats at Melbourne CBD, you better believe everyone else knows he’s there too. Read on to find out a little more about our in-house energizer bunny who is always up for a laugh at the desk and how he got started with the gym!

What would you consider your greatest achievements in Martial Arts?
“I consider each and every time that I’ve stepped into a cage/ring to compete to be a great achievement, regardless of the result or level.”

What made you start Martial Arts?
“I’ve loved anything to do with fighting and martial arts all my life. This love mainly started from growing up watching Bruce Lee, Jackie Chan and Jet Lee movies.”

How did you first get involved with Absolute MMA? (What industry were you in prior to Martial Arts? What made you change?)
“I had not participated in any martial arts training for about 6 years (I quit Japanese Jiu-jitsu soon after I received my black belt). Then one of my friends asked me to come try out a session at a gym his brother worked at. I decided to go, and then never stopped rocking up. A few months later, I was offered a job as a receptionist. This turned out to be the best thing that could have happened to me; allowing me to train for free, meet legends in the sport, learn about martial arts on the job, meet amazing people and learn about injuries which is relevant to the University degree I am currently undertaking – Osteopathy.”

Mantra/Quote to live by?
“We’re here for a good time, not a long time!”

Who are the kind of people that you look up to and why?
“It’s the people who lack raw, natural talent that I look up to the most. I often witness people come in who look like they are hating life about 30 seconds into the warm up. Yet these people continue to rock up and claw their way through each session. It is this grit that I respect the most because watching these people overcome obstacles is truly an amazing thing.”

If you could go back in time to your first martial art class, what would be the advice you give to your past self?
“Keep going! Pain is temporary, quitting is forever.”

“If only Darren was the standard for the Y generation the world would be a far better place.” – Jeremy Wharerau
“Would KO/10” – Fei Yen, long time friend and training partner
“Still hasn’t dropped me in sparring” – Andre Nguyen
“Remember Darren – article 22!” – Richard Lattemagi
“He’s a hard working young man. He always want to learn new things, he’s a good listener. If he keeps on learning and listening, he will be my next champion. I chose him as my best Student of the Year this year because of his hard work in his two fights this year. He deserved it and will only improve his game more from here.” – Laos Toohey 

Who is Absolute MMA

Since 2011, Absolute MMA has been Melbourne's premiere mixed martial arts training facility.

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Mark Sixma