We have many amazing people with interesting stories that walk into all our gyms! The member spotlight turns to Kelz “Jacky Chan” Lau, one of our globe trotting martial arts practitioners, known affectionately as Peter Vela’s son. Kelz is an expert on finding the best vegan food in Melbourne, so be sure to ask him for his recommendations! Read on to find out more about Kelz!

Occupation: Subject Matter Expert – Inbound Contact Centre Banker

Martial Arts/Sports: Brazilian Jiu-Jitsu, Mixed Martial Arts, Muay Thai, Capoeira, Aikido, Break dancing, Circus Aerials/Pole, Snowboarding, Parkour.

How did you get into the sport?

I love movement! As a kid I couldn’t sit still and eventually discovered break dancing. After High School I got into martial arts (Aikido Shinryukan; Ray Sefo Fight Academy; Capoeira Ache Brasil; Checkmat Wimbledon and now a part of the Absolute family!).

What are your immediate training goals?

Trying hard not to get squished on the bottom in BJJ and survive (haha)!

What are your goals for the next five years?

Build up my BJJ arsenal where I can be efficient with my movement with minimal energy.

Why do you love training at Absolute MMA?

It is an amazing family atmosphere, where everyone builds everyone up. Also because I work weird rosters, I can train in the morning, lunch or evenings across the 3 different locations.

What is your favourite move?

Crucifix, but I tend to be stuck inside one instead.

Favourite workout/walkout song?

Fort Minor – Remember the name.

Can you tell us about where you’re from and any interesting stories growing up? If you’re not originally from Melbourne, how’d you end up living in Melbourne, Australia?

I was born in Malaysia but grew up in New Zealand. I started Aikido during uni before picking up kick boxing/muay thai at the Ray Sefo Fight Academy. I then headed to Bangkok and spent a week training at Muay Thai Plaza 2004 and fell in love with travelling. After graduation I did Camp America working as a counselor at a ranch for at risk youth. I then returned to NZ and saved up my annual leave and spent a month volunteering in the favelas of Rio de Janeiro. Since then I have been a ski bum in Whistler Canada, and a poor backpacker living in London! When my UK visa ran out, I chose Melbourne because of the food, art and culture.

Who are the kind of people that you look up to and why?

I look up to the people that help others to discover their potential without wanting anything in return. This is because when I graduated I thought I was going to change the world, but the more I travelled, the more I realised the world needs more selfless people who help one another.

What’s your favourite place to eat in Melbourne and your #1 dish recommendation?

I’ve been loading up on Lord of the Fries – The Lot Burger after training lately.

If you could go back in time to your first martial art class, what would be the advice you give to your past self?

Respect and look after your training partners because you will need them on this journey to help you grow and succeed. Don’t rush the basics and drill lots.

“I’m proud of Peter Jr., he’s come a long way.”- Peter Vela

Who is Absolute MMA

Since 2011, Absolute MMA has been Melbourne's premiere mixed martial arts training facility.

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