Coach Livia Gluchowska, known affectionately as “Liv” or “Dear Leader” is a Brazilian Jiu-Jitsu black belt, 3-time BJJ World Champion, 2-time Asian Champion, 11-time Pan-Pacific Champion, 3-time Australian Champion, Abu Dhabi Pro Trials Winner and 2017 IBJJF No-Gi World Championship Silver Medallist. She will be running an intensive women-only training camp at Absolute MMA Thailand in Phuket, Thailand this October alongside fellow IBJJF World Champion Rikako Yuasa. Read on to find out more about this amazing superwoman, and don’t forget to “Liv, laugh and love”!

What made you start Martial Arts?

I retired from competitive sprint cycling and wanted a sport to do to keep fit. I started off with Muay Thai but found it boring, then tried a Brazilian Jiu-Jitsu class and fell in love with it.

How did you first get involved with Absolute MMA? (What industry were you in prior to Martial Arts? What made you change?)

I started training at Absolute MMA when I was a blue belt. It is by far the best place to train in Australia. I am a physiotherapist as well as a BJJ coach.

Who is an inspiration to you, and why?

Lachie Giles for his problem solving abilities and being a down to earth and a kind human. Many of my teammates inspire me every day.

If you could only eat one thing for the rest of your life, what would it be?

Steak 🙂

What is your favorite travel destination? Why?

I loved Brazil for the training, Galapagos Islands for the nature and Isla Mujeres for the whale sharks.

Tell us a fun fact about yourself!

I’m Polish and came to Australia when I was 12.

Who are the kind of people that you look up to and why?

Honest, fair and self-driven people.

If you could go back in time to your first martial art class, what would be the advice you give to your past self?

Laugh at yourself, relax more and know that you can always learn a skill.

During a Absolute MMA staff retreat a zombie apocalypse breaks out. You get separated with 3 AMMA team members. Who would be part your dream team and why?

Lachie because I like him, Simon because he is massive so if there was no food we could eat him and Thiago because his giant head could feed Simon, Lachie and I.

“Considering how smol she is, she should be easy to squish, but she’s strong as f***, bendy as f***, and technical as f***. It’s almost as if her Jiu-Jitsu is world class or something.
Friendly, fierce, and determined. Liv is responsible for the creation and continual growth of the women’s Jiu-Jitsu team in St Kilda, who aspire to be as strong, bendy and technical as her.
She’s probably partly responsible for them being a bit weird too..” – Hannah Gorman

“During one of my first Jiu-Jitsu classes Liv gave me some great advice that I’ve really tried to implement in my game – “Just be annoying”. Liv leads by example and is a role model for the whole club, particularly the women’s team. Watching her train every day, always trying to improve, motivates us want to do the same. Liv is like our Jiu-Jitsu mum, but cross her and she’ll crossface you!”- Sarah Chapman

“Liv is inspiring, hard working and amazingly talented! Her positive and heart warming approach to life is a simple reminder why many appreciate having her in their lives, including myself. She’s also got the most savage Cross-face ever!!” – Rob Pelle

“Our dear leader Livia has super powers – whether you were already a fan of Livia Gluchowska or not, you just become one once you get to know her. She is kind, caring, encouraging and has a huge heart! She is extremely dedicated and her work ethic & willpower are super inspiring…it just naturally rubs on to you.
Do not underestimate her size. Do not, I repeat, DO NOT let her cross face you. And if you think your guard/sweeps are feeling good, just see what you can do when she split pass you. Also do not give her your leg, she will dolphin you.
Her leadership has taken our women’s team to another level and we are incredibly lucky to be training with one of the best everyday!
Note: If you want to get into her good books, feed her food and coffee. How do you think Young became her favourite Asian out of all of us?” – Chisaki Akiyama

Registration details for Liv’s camp in October are available here:

Rikako Yuasa and Livia Gluchowska – Training Camp in Paradise!

Photo: Cfongraphy

Who is Absolute MMA

Since 2011, Absolute MMA has been Melbourne's premiere mixed martial arts training facility.

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