Coach and Center Manager Richard “Lättemägic” Lättemägi is most likely the first familiar face many of you saw when you entered the doors of Melbourne CBD. Devoted to the gym and the people in it, he’s got endless energy to help out our members and crush people on the mats with his freaky rubber-esque boa constrictor skills. When he’s not running the gym from desk, he’s guiding people in the art of Brazilian Jiu-Jitsu at Absolute MMA Collingwood on Fridays at 12.30pm. Be sure to check out his classes, and read on to find out more about our favourite Estonian!

What would you consider your greatest achievements in Martial Arts?

Surviving Big Nog’s crushing side control.

What made you start Martial Arts?

Watching UFC and going “This BJJ thing seems interesting!”. Plus I wanted to be kick ass. Now I just want to pull guard and heel hook people.

How did you first get involved with Absolute MMA? (What industry were you in prior to Martial Arts? What made you change?)

Started training BJJ at Absolute MMA before I started working here. I was actually in financial software before this!

Favourite workout/walkout song?

“Are You Man Enough” – The Four Tops.

Where do you see yourself in 5 years?

Pretty decent at pulling guard.

If you could only eat one thing for the rest of your life, what would it be?

A succulent reverse-seared steak with chimichurri prepared by James Walters.

What do you like to do to relax besides training?

Travel around Victoria. Recently got into photography. Read. Browse /r/BJJ.

If you were going to be an animal, what would you be and why?

I AM a monkey.

Tell us a fun fact about yourself!

I can scratch the back of my head with my foot.

Can you tell us about where you’re from and any interesting stories growing up? If you’re not originally from Melbourne, how’d you end up living in Melbourne, Australia?

I’m from Tallinn, Estonia. Most people think it’s a made-up country but I swear it exists. When people ask me to speak Estonian I just say “Jäääär!”.

Can you think of a common inspirational quote that you completely disagree with and why?

Lachlan Giles stole my answer to this one.

Who are the kind of people that you look up to and why?

People who can admit when they’re wrong. Still working on that one myself…

Do you have a “useless” talent that makes people smile every time you use it?

My face. And it’s more like “laugh” than “smile”. I am also able to triangle choke myself.

What’s your favourite place to eat in Melbourne and your #1 dish recommendation?

Recently went to Chin Chin for the first time and had the “Feed Me” option. Blown away. So delicious! EDIT: Gone there twice now. Moved up a weight class.

What movie have you seen over 5 times?

“The Bodyguard” with Kevin Costner and Whitney Houston.

Is there a book you’ve read that has influenced your outlook on life or the way you approach certain situations or people?

Plenty of great books I’ve read through the years but more recently “How to Win Friends and Influence People” by Dale Carnegie. Highly recommend to anyone who wants to suck a bit less at communicating with people.

If you could go back in time to your first martial art class, what would be the advice you give to your past self?

I wouldn’t give any advice. I’d just heel hook myself.

During a Absolute MMA staff retreat a zombie apocalypse breaks out. You get separated with 3 AMMA team members. Who would be part your dream team and why?

James Walters as the chef. He’d be able to cook up a mad zombie-feast.
Joe Boobyer because he’s great at staying out of trouble.
Em Yap because…well. She’s Em.

“There are 3 things that motivate and describe Lättemägic. Coffee, bjj and sales…and only closers deserve coffee.” – Apryl Eppinger

“Richard has a shiny head.” – James Walters

“One of the best things about martial arts is the friendships you make, and through martial arts I was able to meet Richard. Richard is the family you choose. Funny, smart, caring, and a boss grappler… practically part of the furniture at the gym from the day he came to an open mat all those years ago. The gym is a better place with our Estonia brother from another mother there!”- Maryanne Mullahy

“If like me, you’ve been wondering what it would be like to roll with gumby on steroids, Lattemagi is your man.” – Maxwell Mews

“As charming as Richard is, he is 100 times stretchier (I have borne witness to him speaking on his phone with his foot to his ear) and passing his guard is hard. I love and hate him at the same time. Also he has one tight triangle.”- Tina Trinh

“My Estonian brother from another mother. A great guy who is an even greater competitive grappler. Happy to see how his life developed here in Australia through Absolute MMA. Always friendly and always willing to tell it like it is. His usual maccas order is a large big Mac meal with a sprite and Apple pie.”- Kevin Lau

“Richard has perfected the art of the 7/11 strong flat white and for that, we thank him. Everything else I came up with about the man was NSFW.”- Oliver Smith

“This one. Helps us keep the gym together and always makes me laugh with that crazy wide eyed grin he loves to pull! When he’s not developing his already formidable sale skills, he’s helping me save money with his endless list of life hacks. Here’s to many more shared coffees on desk, thanks for being my partner in crime at Melbourne CBD, and to taking over the martial arts world!” – Emilie Yap

“Richard is one of the friendliest people in the gym, staff or member. He is always happy, full of energy, and down to have a laugh. He has great jiu jitsu, when rolling with him, watch out for his damn octopus legs! 11/10 great guy”- Tim Baker

“This Russian is a pretty nice guy.He could sell sand in the desert and ice in Antarctica. He is a flexible bastard in Jiu-Jitsu who dreams he will heel hook me but it will never happen and he knows that.”- Thiago Stefanutti

Photos: Massaphotos and Richard Lattemagi

Who is Absolute MMA

Since 2011, Absolute MMA has been Melbourne's premiere mixed martial arts training facility.

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