We have many amazing people with interesting stories that walk into all our gyms! This member spotlight turns to Bek Dimase, aspiring Muay Thai fighter who is looking to make her debut in 2019! Bek has shed an inspiring amount of 8kgs this year, and we couldn’t be prouder of all that she’s achieved in terms of her fitness and martial arts technique. We can’t wait to see Bek get in the ring next year and we know she has the motivation and dedication to go far. Read on to find out more about Bek!

Occupation: Project Integation and Change Lead
Martial Arts/Sports: Muay Thai and kickboxing

How did you get into the sport?

I’ve always had a fascination with fighting and followed a lot of different promotions/fighters. Always curious but too nervous to try, it wasn’t until I met my partner (who coincidentally is a kick boxer) and his continuous encouragement (nagging) that got me over the line to give it a go. Haven’t looked back since my first class!

What are your immediate training goals?

Immediate training goals are to lose the last 5 kilos to fight weight, get up my sparring and land that beautiful question mark head kick… and of course have my first fight!

What are your goals for the next five years?

The next 5 years is a big one… I’m just focused on getting to my first fight, haha! I just want to keep pushing and see where I end up. And travelling, I intend to do lots of that!

Why do you love training at Absolute MMA?

I love the people more than anything. The coaches and other members have made the gym feel like a second home to me. I’ve always been able to be myself, have fun, challenge myself, and am kept accountable… I’ve never experienced that at any other gym.

What is your favourite move?

I love a good question mark kick and the oh so sweet feeling when it lands, haha.

Favourite workout/walkout song?

Currently is – here comes hot stepper – Ini Kamoze.

Nicknames & Fight Names?

The only consistent ones are “the boss” or Toohey likes to call me “Bekka the Wrecka”.

What do you like to do to relax besides training?

I love a good beach session or just being outside generally. I find sunshine and nature helps me reconnect to myself and disconnect from the hustle and bustle that life and work can sometimes bring.

Can you tell us about where you’re from and any interesting stories growing up? If you’re not originally from Melbourne, how’d you end up living in Melbourne, Australia?

My favourite childhood memory is going to my Nonna & Nonno’s place at the end of every summer on National Wog Day (it’s real!) and making pasta sauce from my nonno’s home grown tomatoes. My job was to pop the basil in the bottles and I remember my nonno would inspect them! It’s a tradition that we still do every year and means so much to me…. nonno still inspects my basil placement… it’s a tough gig!

Who are the kind of people that you look up to and why?

For me, those that are honest, kind, courageous and show integrity are the people that I look up to the most, as these are attributes I aspire to grow within myself. Over the last year, I’ve really looked up to my parents, siblings and partner more and more. Through a really tough year, they’ve demonstrated all of the above and that has really inspired and helped me be a better person.

What’s your favourite place to eat in Melbourne and your #1 dish recommendation?

Um, if I had to pick it’d be the club sandwich from Smith & Deli, or just the whole menu at Smith & Daughters next door.

If you could go back in time to your first martial art class, what would be the advice you give to your past self?

I’d probably tell myself four things
1. It’s okay to be uncomfortable, it’s not okay to give up.
2. You don’t have to get it right the first time
3. Learn to love the journey, it’s a bloody long one!

“Bek is a super dedicated member of the gym. She always shows up and works hard! You’ll always get a good sweat on if you get to train with this Nak Muay. Try to do it before she betrays us and leaves Australia forever next year!”- Mary Hoang

“So very proud of what Bek has achieved over the last year or so. When she started she had one good punch with the rest as powerful as a slap in the face by a wet bus ticket but kicked like a mule, an ancient broken down one legged blind mule…so we had room to grow. Not to mention some big weight loss goals. Bek through consistent hard work has shed the kgs turning into a bomb throwing gangsta who now kicks like a young powerlifting mule whose mother was just insulted. All this growth and hard work has her ready for her debut fight this February. Onya Bek, go get it!!!” – Coach Jeremy Wharerau

“It’s always great pairing up with Bek in class. She’s dedicated, has great technique, gives good pointers to you on how to improve and sets a perfect pace! Bek has overcome some hard points in her journey in 2018 and I can’t wait to see what 2019 brings for her. Thanks for all your honesty, advice, dances in between rounds and friendship this year!” – Emilie Yap

“Bek is such a happy energy to have in the gym – when you walk in and she’s there I know we’re going up a level for that session. Super excited to see her fight in 2019!!”- Georgia Verry

“Bek is the hardest working person I know. Whenever she sets her mind on something there is nothing that will stop her. She’s the best muay thai partner and definitely isn’t afraid to let you know if your guard is down. She always pushes me to the limit but somehow makes it fun at the same time. I can’t wait to see her step into the ring and smash it in 2019!” – Licia Yeo

“When I first saw Bek I thought she had the potential to become a quality fighter. She always listens to my advice, asks good questions and when I explain something to her she does it. She surprised me when she said that she wants to train to become a fighter- then I say she’s talking my language now! Hopefully it will be a good year for Bek, I believe in her division she will crack some heads!” – Coach Laos Toohey

Who is Absolute MMA

Since 2011, Absolute MMA has been Melbourne's premiere mixed martial arts training facility.

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