Imantha Alahakoon, affectionately known as Iman, is our valued casual staff member on desk at reception, stepping in to save us on weekends and when all seems lost! Training primarily in Mixed Martial Arts out of Absolute MMA Collingwood, Iman loves a good chicken parma as much as he loves riding around Melbourne on his beloved motorbike. He’s a genuine soul who loves his metal music, and is someone we genuinely appreciate stepping into shifts when no one can. Read on to find out more about Iman!

Nicknames & Fight Names?

Ironman / Chocolate Man – I dont even know

What would you consider your greatest achievements in Martial Arts?

Participating in the Greg Jackson seminar. That opened my mind up to a new way to think in the cage/gym.

What made you start Martial Arts?

My best friend. He did Taekwondo and I wanted to give it a shot. Did it for about 3 years then quit … to do tennis.

How did you first get involved with Absolute MMA? (What industry were you in prior to Martial Arts? What made you change?)

I’ve worked in IT and still do. I started working at Absolute as I wanted to change industries and was given an opportunity to work in the gym as a casual. I wanted the change because sitting on my ass 8 hours a day is not something I fancy.

Favorite workout/walkout song?

I cant name just one song. Right now there are a couple of songs I smash off Architects new album that get me real gee’d to train.

Mantra/Quote to live by?

KISS – Keep it simple, stupid.

Tell us about your life growing up, what is your favorite memory from when you were younger?

Mum dropping me to my best mates house and finishing Pokemon Fire Red in like 9 hours. Still my best achievement to date.

Where do you see yourself in 5 years?

Not being in the rat race – Travelling the world and training.

Who is an inspiration to you, and why?

My mum. She brought me up as a single mum, did everything she could for me and I’m forever grateful for having such a strong, determined woman in my life. She’s stood by a lot of the stupid shit I’ve done and helped me open my eyes and grow the f**k up. Love ya ma!

What do you like to do to relax besides training?

Hanging out with the misso or mates and depending on Melbourne’s awesome weather, taking my bike out through the twisties.

If you were going to be an animal, what would you be and why?

An eagle – you get to fly. Who doesn’t wanna be able to do that shit?

What is your favorite travel destination? Why?

I’ve actually done no proper traveling. I do want to go to Hong Kong to get my leg tattoo finished off and then do some exploring through Asia and then North America and Europe. So … I wanna go kinda everywhere.

Tell us a fun fact about yourself!

I look like a 10 year old without a beard.

Can you tell us about where you’re from and any interesting stories growing up? If you’re not originally from Melbourne, how’d you end up living in Melbourne, Australia?

Well, I was born in Sri Lanka and moved to Sydney when I was like 3 years old. I moved to Melbourne almost 3 years ago now, with my ex girlfriend who had a job opportunity here. I’d been to Melbourne twice before this all happened, the last time I told myself I’d move here one day so I kinda said ‘f**k it’. Quit my job, told mum I was gonna move to Melbourne and yeah, drove from Sydney to Melbourne with all my stuff in my car.

What were some funny/interesting/weird hobbies you had when you were a teenager?

This wasn’t when I was a teenager, but I was about 9/10 years old and in Sri Lanka on holiday with Mum. I was playing outside with a friend and we saw a snake go into a house – so naturally we threw rocks at it (how dumb, right?) and lo and behold the thing started chasing us. My mate was on a bike so he started peddling along and we (I was a chubby little kid) gapped it to the house. We had a security person who had to let people in and out so I’m yelling telling them to let me in, spamming the bell and they take their sweet ass time…I’ve hated snakes since. I also hate spiders, but that’s another story and this time I was the victim.

Besides martial arts, what else are you passionate about and why?

Cars/Bikes – My best mates dad was a race car driver and a mechanic so that was something I got into in my teens (Also Need for Speed Underground 2 helped, heaps). It’s probably one of a few things I’d still love to get into. From my basic mechanical knowledge, fixing and troubleshooting things is really satisfying.

Do you have a “useless” talent that makes people smile every time you use it?

My face – it looks funny.

When was the last time you did something new for the first time and what was it?

Today. I just ZipPay’d close to $600 of new training gear. Not sure if I’m happy or not though …

Have you done other sports besides martial art and which teams/athletes are your favorite? Any funny stories?

I did tennis for a little bit. Then skateboarding. I was sh*t at both to be fair.

Have you ever worked a job not in the fitness/martial arts industry? What were the highlights and lessons you learned?

Yep, still do. I’ve worked in a few different IT roles. Being a project manager was probably the most involved role I’ve had though. The biggest thing this role has taught me is to be resilient. When things go wrong, you’re the first person people are abusing and when things go right you may get a thanks if you’re lucky and also not taking things to heart.

What’s your favorite place to eat in Melbourne and your #1 dish recommendation?

Rice Queen. It was the place one of my tattoo artists recommended to me and it is LEGIT.

What movie have you seen over 5 times?

Ace Ventura.

Is there a book you’ve read that has influenced your outlook on life or the way you approach certain situations or people?

The Barefoot Investor. I read this book and then a week or two later I went to Ducati and bought a brand new motorbike (Imantha, you stupid). It’s true though; The heart wants what it wants.

If you could go back in time to your first martial art class, what would be the advice you give to your past self?

Stick with it and don’t give up. Also to do Brazilian Jiu-Jitsu or Wrestling and not TKD.

During a Absolute MMA staff retreat a zombie apocalypse breaks out. You get separated with 3 AMMA team members. Who would be part your dream team and why?

Simon – His experience in the army would help heaps and I imagine he could build a shelter or at least try.

Amit – A black/chocolate person is the first to die in any zombie/horror movie so if there are two of us, we can work together and let someone else get eaten. #blacktics

Joe – Wouldn’t Panic! at the disco, let alone in a Zombie apocalypse. Skilled in the art of closing doors.

“Iman is the whitest Sri Lankan that has ever existed. His personality can be best described as manifestation of that ‘S’ thing every kid drew in year 7. Despite never having played a game of cricket, he has somehow found a way to bat far, far beyond his average, and would easily put Steve Smith to shame…again.” – Mithunnan Saseetharan

“Iman broke my ankle and I will forever remind him about this event. On another note, Iman is a great team mate who I enjoy partnering up with as he has a lot of patience to explain drills to me when I don’t understand them after being told over 20 times what to do. I always have a good laugh with Iman and hope he doesn’t break my ankle again.” – Lisa Kyriacou

“Iman is the world’s oldest teenager, usually found doing push ups while listening to my chemical romance, his training soundtrack is questionable. MMA? He’s panicking at the wrong disco.”- Joe Boobyer

“Imantha May be little but his heart is BIG! Always provides a big smile, some help if you need it but more importantly high levels of banter! He’s a ray of fucking sunshine behind his emo angst. He’s the panic to my disco 😅“- Marisa Amaya 

Who is Absolute MMA

Since 2011, Absolute MMA has been Melbourne's premiere mixed martial arts training facility.

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