We have many amazing people with interesting stories that walk into all our gyms! This member spotlight turns to Kyle Rodda, Financial Market Analyst and regular in our Melbourne CBD Boxing classes. Kyle is the guy that everyone goes to and says “Didn’t I see you on the television yesterday?” and if you keep your eyes peeled, you will indeed catch him on the big screen giving us all the financial news! Super humble and friendly, Kyle is known for consistently working hard in class, rain or shine, and we’re super happy to have him in the gym. Read on to find out more about Kyle!

Martial Arts/Sports: Boxing

How did you get into the sport?

I’d gotten back into playing football, but quickly realized I had no interest in it anymore. I wanted to find something that I could feel passionate about while keeping fit. I Googled boxing gyms in the CBD, found Absolute MMA, and totally found what I was looking for.

What are your immediate training goals?

To learn how to throw a hook properly. 18 months in and I am still working that one out.

What are your goals for the next five years?

By that stage, I’ll hopefully have learned how to throw a hook. If so, perhaps getting into the ring once to experience what competition is all about – that would be a big achievement for me.

Why do you love training at Absolute MMA?

It all starts with the people. Everything else is secondary and evolves from that. The place has such a great culture. I’ve become a fitter and happier person since beginning my training. More importantly, though, I think I have become a better person for all the lessons I’ve learned from all the people I have met.

What is your favorite move?

That awkward thing that happens when one person goes for the fist-pound and the other person goes for the handshake. With my fighting ability, that’s about as graceful and lethal as I get.

Favorite workout/walkout song?

I love my music, so this is tough. I probably don’t listen to enough of the kind of music that would make for a good work-out/walk-out song. My first thought would be Rage Against The Machine – heavy, energetic, and gets you nice and p*ssed-off about the world. A good state of mind to be in before you gear-up to Box.

Nicknames & Fight Names?

“Kyl-o” is as probably as good as I have gotten since being at Absolute. Not too fearsome, unfortunately. Any nicknames I’ve had tend to a derivative of my last name. Simply Rodda is an easy one – Kyle always feels like a pain to say.

What do you like to do to relax beside training?

Playing guitar, outside of boxing, has always been the way I have unwound and centered myself. Otherwise, I have a 6 and 8-year-old brother and sister. I try to spend as much time with them as I can.

Can you tell us about where you’re from and any interesting stories growing up? If you’re not originally from Melbourne, how’d you end up living in Melbourne, Australia?

It’s one of the beautiful quirks of training at Absolute MMA in the city: I am Melbourne born and raised, and with the people that I have met, that seems to be a novelty! There are so many different people who train at the gym from so many different backgrounds.

My piece of personal trivia tends to always be that I was expelled from two high schools. That was probably one of the defining features of my upbringing. Otherwise, I think I am just another middle-class, white-break kid from Melbourne’s Eastern suburbs, I’m afraid!

Who are the kind of people that you look up to and why?

The people I admire most are those with intelligence, self-awareness and strong ethics. I really enjoy being around people with a truly unique perspective on the world – something different from my own. I’ve been lucky enough to meet a few of these types at Absolute MMA.

What’s your favorite place to eat in Melbourne and your #1 dish recommendation?

There was a time where I loved dining out. But I went vegan, and your options tend to be narrowed quite a lot if you do that.

So two answers in light of that: Minamishima in Richmond was awesome – the sashimi degustation there was a blast; in terms of vegan eats, Neko Neko is a vegan-Japanese ramen place that I really enjoy.

If you could go back in time to your first martial art class, what would be the advice you give to your past self?

Go make friends with the raucous crowd training in the corner – they are good people.

“The lean mean Vegan Machine is a great assist to the gym. He always puts in the work and is a great partner to train with.”- Karman Moodley

“Kyle was one of my first good friends at the gym. Not only a great boxing partner, but he can also mesmerize you with crazy knowledge about history. When he’s not at the gym you can find him suited up on telly running the financial review. What a dude!” – Linnea Waestberg

“Kyle is always dedicated to his training. Even after a big Friday night on the piss he shows up for that Saturday class despite the fact he smells like a distillery. Kyle is great advertisement for the gym. He always has his Absolute t-shirt on everywhere he goes. Sometimes I wonder if that’s the only shirt he owns. In all seriousness though, Kyle is always great to have around. He is funny, thoughtful and kind. You know you are going to have a great training session when you partner up with him.”- Ashley Pate

“Kyle is proof that awesomeness can rub off, while I was only able to pass on a pinch of it, that pinch of awesomeness has seen Kyle come a long way… Or maybe it’s his regular consistent hard work always turning up to class putting in the effort🤔. Either way, once he learns to relax he’ll go even further. Keep at it bro.” – Jeremy Wharerau

Who is Absolute MMA

Since 2011, Absolute MMA has been Melbourne's premiere mixed martial arts training facility.

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