Kévin Jousset is an elite judoka and up and coming mixed martial artist. He started his judo training at age four and is currently a Judo black belt 2nd dan (receiving his black belt at 14-years-old). He is a multiple-time French National Championship medallist and he competed Nationally (France) and Internationally for many years, training at INSEP with the French National team, representing them at the European Championships and World Cup. Kevin has since shifted his focus to MMA where he is currently undefeated as an amateur. Read on to find out more about Kevin!

What would you consider your greatest achievements in Martial Arts?

I have had a few in my Judo career, but the greatest achievements are coming in the next few years, without a doubt.

What made you start Martial Arts?

I was really young, super active, my parents were trying to make me spend my energy somewhere other than home.

How did you first get involved with Absolute MMA? (What industry were you in prior to Martial Arts? What made you change?)

When I moved to Australia in November 2016, I was looking to move on from my judo career to MMA, so I came to the biggest gym in Melbourne. I’ve been involved in Martial Arts from a really young age, and I’ve taught from the age of 18.

Favourite workout/walkout song?

Roy Jones Jr, Can’t be touched.

Mantra/Quote to live by?

Work hard in silence, let success make the noise.

Tell us about your life growing up, what is your favourite memory from when you were younger?

I was born in France near Bordeaux, I moved to the Alps when I was 5 and grew up over there. Started the Judo school at the age of 15. Integrated into the Judo national team at 17. Moved to Scotland by myself at 21 to learn English and 2 years later I moved to Melbourne.

Where do you see yourself in 5 years?

In 5 years, I will be fighting for the UFC, enjoying every sacrifice I made to get there. I’ll keep training hard to reach my goals. I’ll also probably still be teaching a few hours a week.

If you weren’t working in the Martial Arts industry, what would you be doing?

Maybe working with animals or having my own restaurant.

What do you like to do to relax beside training?

To relax? I like to train. Otherwise, just chilling with people I love, eating some good food and travelling.

If you were going to be an animal, what would you be and why?

Hmmm, maybe a fox cause I look like it ^^

What is your favourite travel destination? Why?

Thailand, because of the weather and good food.

Tell us a fun fact about yourself!

I’ve played guitar for almost 10 years when I was a kid, but I stopped when my teacher asked me to grow up my nails.

Who are the kind of people that you look up to and why?

People who get out of their comfort zone to reach their goals. People who aren’t lazy and don’t expect good things coming without working/training hard for it.

Have you ever worked a job, not in the fitness/martial arts industry? What were the highlights and lessons you learned?

Yes, I did and the lessons learned are: never ever again 😀

What’s your favourite place to eat in Melbourne and your #1 dish recommendation?

Melbourne has so many good restaurants and that’s also why I love this city. I say go to the Japanese place Tetsujin, for their sushi train.

If you could go back in time to your first martial art class, what would be the advice you give to your past self?

Be open-minded, ask questions and try to learn as much as possible.

During an Absolute MMA staff retreat, a zombie apocalypse breaks out. You get separated with 3 AMMA team members. Who would be part of your dream team and why?

Thiago, Simon, and Jeremy because they are way too old to run so they’ll definitely get killed before me 😀

“When he first started training with me, he had a very intense judo style, very stiff. Every punch, every kick was stiff. Now, he is much more relaxed and I can see him in the UFC in the future. He has had a few striking fights, and a few MMA fights. He’s a great athlete, good listener and dedicated to his sport. Future UFC champion!” – Coach Laos Toohey

“Even though he’s French and nearly gouged one of my eyes out, he’s still one of my favourite humans.”- Oliver Smith

“He’s a freaking monster.”- Thiago Stefanutti

“Just when we finally got rid of one Frenchy this guy shows up. First time I met him was in MMA sparring, didn’t know anything about him, we locked up in a clinch and I felt very safe as usual, nek minit I’m in WWE survivor series getting tossed high in the air before crashing to the mat with this unit of a Frenchman coming down on top of me. Rumour has it he knew some judo. Hated him ever since😜“- Jeremy Wharerau

“I train with Kevin every week and he scares the crap out of me because I talk sh*t to him. But there are also always moments when we are laughing our heads off.” – Nathan Heddle

Photography: W.L Fight Photography and Jasmin Frank Photography

Who is Absolute MMA

Since 2011, Absolute MMA has been Melbourne's premiere mixed martial arts training facility.

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