We have many amazing people with interesting stories that walk into all our gyms! This member spotlight turns to Marisa “Habanero” Amaya, one of our regular Absolute MMA Collingwood Muay Thai students! This incredible lady is currently working hard at Rainbow Serpent, keeping festival goers safe so be sure to say hello if you see her around! (Check out DanceWize,  a program of Harm Reduction Victoria (HRVic) here: Read on to find out more about Marisa!

Occupation: Sourcing

Martial Arts/Sports: Muay Thai

How did you get into the sport?

I use to live next to the gym Claire and Tao were at before Absolute. I kept walking past and eventually summoned up the courage to go in. To be honest, I had no idea what Muay Thai was 😅 But I was hooked from the first day (Thanks to Claire!♥️).

What are your immediate training goals?

To sweep all the boys.

What are your goals for the next five years?

Training wise – I just want to keep turning up. I’ll be well in my 40’s in 5 years so I’ll be happy if I can still hold my own with the young ones! Life wise – I want to live in Berlin for at least a year, write a book and climb Mt Kilimanjaro.

Why do you love training at Absolute MMA?

It’s my home. Well, other than Revs (which also has a cage in it), I’ve met some of my closest friends here. Sure, there’s ups and downs but we go through the sh*t together. And really, if you can’t punch your friends in the face what’s the point? Haha.

Favourite workout/walkout song?

“Baddest Bitch in the Room!” By Norma Jean Bell feat Moodymann 😍 It’s a disco, funk track.

What do you like to do to relax beside training?

I love music. I love dancing and I love being creative. So, I’m at a lot of gigs, Revs, and doofs in the summer! I also love baths. I have at least 2 per week.

Can you tell us about where you’re from and any interesting stories growing up? If you’re not originally from Melbourne, how’d you end up living in Melbourne, Australia?

I had a pretty shitty life until I was 29. Mainly due to drugs and alcohol. I won’t go into that but in 2010 I reached my rock bottom. It was life or death. And like one of my favourite movies quotes… I chose LIFE. I haven’t had a drink or a drug for over 8 years. I can honestly say, my life has changed in ways I didn’t think possible. It certainly wasn’t easy but f**k, those hard early days were worth it. I’m by no means ashamed of my past and love to share my experience whenever possible. You never know who might need to hear it ♥️ Whatever your demons are, you CAN come out on top. There’s always hope, ya know?

Who are the kind of people that you look up to and why?

I look up to people who are unapologetically themselves. Even if they annoy me, I respect the realness. I look up to women in general, but strong, powerful women who fight for what they believe in. I look up to people who work hard and smash their goals, whether its in sport or in real life. I look up to creative people. The dreamers. 😍

But mainly I look up to tall people like Joe, Oliver, Claire, Jess, Kylie, Hector ok…everyone is taller.

What’s your favourite place to eat in Melbourne and your #1 dish recommendation?

The Grand in Richmond has the best gnocchi in the world. And Colonel Tan’s (Revs 😆) does some pretty amazing Thai with the added bonus of excellent music 👌🏾

If you could go back in time to your first martial art class, what would be the advice you give to your past self?

Write L and R on your gloves, pivot when you kick and stretch!!!!!!

“Marisa is an absolute LEGEND! She is one of the most caring people I know and she has a heart of gold. She is such a strong woman (both mentally and physically) and she is a real inspiration to me. Marisa also has a tan to die for and a great set of boobies.”- Lisa Kyriacou, training partner

“Marisa is a surprisingly lovely person once you get her to take her headphones out!”- Oliver Smith 

“Marisa is a testament to the great leaps and bounds that women can make through combats sports training. Marisa was able to build both confidence and self resolve by overcoming huge hurdles. Muay Thai Kickboxing has played an integral part of that journey. Marisa represents yet another example of how combat sports is hugely beneficial for women and that it’s absolutely not just a men’s sport.”- Jai Tao 

“Small but feisty! Marisa always brings great energy to the gym and give it as good as she gets! You know exactly where you stand with her, she also gives Lisa K plenty of stick so she’s alright in my book.”- Joe B
“Despite her failure to grasp the elementary concept that I have an intense dislike of being punched in the face, I cannot speak ill of Marisa. She has become a true friend. What a gal! Love her!”- Mary Panjari

Who is Absolute MMA

Since 2011, Absolute MMA has been Melbourne's premiere mixed martial arts training facility.

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