Cooper Burnham is a Brazilian Jiu-Jitsu purple belt and accomplished international competitor. He is a 4-time World Championship medallist, two-time Asian Champion, 6-time Pan Pacific Champion, 5-time National Champion, 4-time NAGA Champion, 9-time State Champion (multiple states), Kids World Champion (2015) and Pan American Championships silver medallist. He started training in mid 2012 and moved to Melbourne in 2017 at 16 years old to pursue BJJ professionally under Coach Thiago Stefanutti at Absolute MMA. Incredibly accomplished for someone who has just finished high school, Cooper is also a keen videographer and has put together a couple of amazing documentaries and short videos (ask to see his one on Thiago!). Read on to find out more about Cooper!

Nicknames & Fight Names?

The Terminator.

What would you consider your greatest achievements in Martial Arts?

2017 IBJJF World Championship silver medallist

What made you start Martial Arts?

I started karate when I was 11 because my dad wanted me to be able to defend myself, after 3 months I tried BJJ and haven’t looked back since!

Favourite workout/walkout song?

Dreams by NF.

Mantra/Quote to live by?

Resilience in the face of adversity.

Tell us about your life growing up, what is your favourite memory from when you were younger?

I grew up in the country town of Mildura in Victoria, living out of town on 2.5 acres and surrounded by animals. I moved to Melbourne when I was 16 to pursue Jiu Jitsu more professionally. A country kid turned city kid. My favourite memory when I was younger was probably just a general Sunday night because we always had family over.

Where do you see yourself in 5 years?

I see myself as a black belt.

Who is an inspiration to you, and why?

My Dad Luke, because hes always working hard and reminds me that I need to do the same.

If you could only eat one thing for the rest of your life, what would it be?

Definitely lamb chops lol.

If you weren’t working in the Martial Arts industry, what would you be doing?

I have no idea, I only just finished high school and I’m still trying to figure out what I want to do lol, maybe a personal trainer or something.

What do you like to do to relax besides training?

Play Xbox or film/edit videos.

If you were going to be an animal, what would you be and why?

Probably an Eagle so I could fly around like a boss.

What is your favourite travel destination? Why?

So far Japan, I love the culture and places to see there, it’s super cool. I’ve been there twice, both times competing.

Tell us a fun fact about yourself!

I love skate boarding.

What were some funny/interesting/weird hobbies you had when you were a teenager?

In my early teenage years/late childhood I used to show chickens. So I would wash and blow dry them (most of the time, mum helped a lot lol) and make them look good and take them to a show where they would get judged, it was fun at the time.

Besides martial arts, what else are you passionate about and why?

I love to edit films, I really discovered the passion when I edited a documentary on Professor Thiago for my main year 12 media assignment. It’s very satisfying putting together something from scratch. HMU to see the doco.

Who are the kind of people that you look up to and why?

People who go through hardship and don’t complain, but rather learn from it, they teach me that there’s always someone worse off than yourself. Sometimes it’s all about perspective.

Do you have a “useless” talent that makes people smile every time you use it?

Making memes of Bailey Wang, ’nuff said.

When was the last time you did something new for the first time and what was it?

A few months ago I tried cutting weight for Worlds, it was a terrible experience lol 1/10 would not recommend.

Have you done other sports besides martial art and which teams/athletes are your favourites? Any funny stories?

I played hockey when I was around 12, but it quickly faded out once Jiu Jitsu became a priority. I don’t have a funny story from it, but I think you could say my hockey skills in general were pretty funny because I was terrible lol.

What’s your favourite place to eat in Melbourne and your #1 dish recommendation?

Definitely Trailer Park, I recommend the Atomic, for it’s amazing kransky.

What’s your favourite music genre and musicians? Why do you enjoy their music?

I love rap, metalcore and screamo. With NF and Crown the Empire being my favourite. I love their music because it helps pump me up before competition.

What movie have you seen over 5 times?

Pitch Perfect 2.

Is there a book you’ve read that has influenced your outlook on life or the way you approach certain situations or people?

Sophies World by Jostein Gaarder, I like the way it puts life into a different perspective.

If you could go back in time to your first martial art class, what would be the advice you give to your past self?

To be confident in yourself and have fun with it.

During an Absolute MMA staff retreat, a zombie apocalypse breaks out. You get separated with 3 AMMA team members. Who would be part of your dream team and why?

Definitely Matt Burcher, Thiago and Vince Rogato. Matt will be perfect as bait for us to escape zombie hordes as he doesn’t train anymore and won’t be able to keep up with us. Thiago will be good bait as well, because by the time zombies eat his head Vince and I will be a long gone and chances are the zombies won’t be hungry anymore. Lastly Vince is there to laugh with me when Matt and Thiago get eaten, will be a pissa.

Cooper is seriously an impressive young man. Beside his athletic prowess and wise cracking shenanigans with Coach Thiago, I have to say anyone who knows or who has met Cooper, will quickly learn what a great and humble person he is. Best travel buddy and just all around awesome human being. #feeling”- Apryl Eppinger

“An outstanding teammate, and one of the most gifted young competitors I’ve had the pleasure to train with.” – Matt Burcher

“I’ve been training Cooper since he was twelve years old, firstly a couple times a year when he came to Melbourne or when I visited Mildura. For two and a half years I’ve been working with him full time. Cooper is a great athlete but he’s even better as a person. He is the future of Australian Jiu-Jitsu!”-Thiago Stefanutti

“Cooper is a real trooper. He moved to Melb to train more and be immersed in the culture he wanted and to become the best he could be. I am inspired by his dedication, and he is developing into a great grappler and better person.” – Jimbo Walters

“He’s gotta be one of the baddest man in the gym, can pass anyone’s guard and has an awesome half guard with a handsome Asian model look……. (oh wait…. omg my bad I thought u asked what cooper would say about me) Meh, he’s an ok bloke…”- Bailey Wang

“Cooper is the most selfish training partner you will ever encounter. – Said Nobody Ever


Who is Absolute MMA

Since 2011, Absolute MMA has been Melbourne's premiere mixed martial arts training facility.

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