We have many amazing people with interesting stories that walk into all our gyms! This member spotlight turns to Genevieve Sovereign, a movement specialist with a gymnastic background, who has now turned her hand to martial arts! Genevieve has coached gymnastics in the past, and has a passion for psychology, having studied it postgraduate to her engineering degree. Read on to find out more about Gen!

Occupation: Desk-bound office monkey, plotting for freedom bananas.

Martial Arts/Sports: Serial dabbling – honestly if it’s movement related, I’ll at least give it an inquisitive sniff.

How did you get into the sport?

Gymnastics hooked me from wee-tyke age and taught me the importance of self-awareness, broad exploration, seeking challenges, competing intelligently and acquiring bananas to lead a fulfilling life. With all that preoccupying my thoughts, Richard had locked me into membership before I even realised this wasn’t the book sign-out desk at the library. Damn son.

What are your immediate training goals?

I’ve recently pestered Dan Howard into doing PT sessions with me, in the hopes of becoming less embarrassingly unfit. My immediate priority is rebuilding enough stamina to start attending Toohey’s classes again without keeling-over halfway through his warmups.

What are your goals for the next five years?

Central to my freedom banana empire’s ongoing expansion will be deepening my understanding of health, fitness, movement, martial arts, the human condition and other Universal Truths. I also wouldn’t mind looking deadly in a bikini at some point in my life – I have faith it could still happen one day.

Favourite workout/walkout song?

My ringtone, going to voicemail – it symbolises all the missed opportunity and interpersonal connection I’m eschewing in favour of “personal development”.

Nicknames & Fight Names?

Well, my kettlebell class buddy Nicola has started calling me Bendy, presumably due to my great mental agility and eagerness to please everyone at all times. I guess. In the unlikely event of ever needing a fight name at my ripe old age, I reckon something ambiguous and multipurpose like “Love Tap” would be pretty fun. Calling dibs now FYI.

What do you like to do to relax besides training?

Contemplate the nature of reality and the meaning of life. I’m totally serious actually. If you ever want to shoot that sh*t, hit me up for a weekend pint or few.

Can you tell us about where you’re from and any interesting stories growing up? If you’re not originally from Melbourne, how’d you end up living in Melbourne, Australia?

I grew up in the vast northern wilds of Canada. Moved to the big city for uni and somehow earned an engineering degree (major: chemical engineering/minor: bioengineering). Stumbled into Oz on a bizarrely specific visa that only existed for a few years, for engineering grads of a shortlist of foreign unis (thanks UofT). Fatefully met and married Matt, my love and best friend ever, here in Melbourne. Recently finished postgrad in psychology, because logical career progression is overrated. Now strategising optimal deployment of my freedom banana hoard, to break these self-imposed desk job shackles and establish my empire (or win the lottery and spend life until liver failure as an internet troll).

Who are the kind of people that you look up to and why?

I’m exactly five feet tall. It freaks the hell out of me not to be looking up to someone. Short people are f**king weird-as. On a deep and spiritual level though, I try to look up to everyone. We’ve all got things to teach each other – it’s just a matter of perception and reception. And maybe drunkenness. Personal drunkenness often helps when I’m trying to look up to everyone.

What’s your favourite place to eat in Melbourne and your #1 dish recommendation?

“@t Ease – Easy Thai” in Lonsdale Street is my absolute favourite. The manager and wait staff are so lovely, and the food is (as far as my admittedly non-expert palate is concerned) consistently delicious, across the board.

“My fellow Movement Artist Specialist is usually found looking back at ya upside down doing handstands, pikes and backbends! Don’t let her smile trick ya as she will catch you in a sneaky Americana or quick armbar when you blink!”- Kelz Lau

“Genevieve loved us soooo much that she came back again. So happy to have her back in the gym on the mats. She’s always enthusiastic and eager to learn. Making it a pleasure to work with her. Her positively is simply infectious that you just can’t help returning her smile.”- Apryl Eppinger

“Gen is one of the most vibrant human beings in the gym. Don’t be deceived by her looks, though she may be nice and smiling walking around the gym, on the inside she’s a warrior and a true martial artist that has been training her entire life. Very grateful to have met a martial artist like her.”- Luke Catubig

“Genevieve is a legend. She is always smiling and ready to roll.”- Sean Le Gourrierec

“Gen is a great training partner. She is so friendly, caring and has a positive attitude ready to tackle any challenge.”- Rebecca Cerra

Who is Absolute MMA

Since 2011, Absolute MMA has been Melbourne's premiere mixed martial arts training facility.

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