We have many amazing people with interesting stories that walk into all our gyms! This member spotlight turns to Ridz Wan, one of our amateur Mixed Martial Artists who has competed on promotions such as Path to Hex, and Eternal MMA. Also known as “Mr Malaysia”, Ridz has a background in bodybuilding and is famous for his muscles around the gym! Supremely humble despite his achievements, Ridz is working on reaching the professional level in MMA and we could not be prouder to be a part of his journey. Looking forward to seeing you back in the octagon soon Ridz! Read on to find out more about Mr Malaysia!

How did you get into the sport?

It was during the Ronda Rousey era. That was when I only knew about UFC and MMA. Wanted to give it a try, so I looked it up on the internet, found Absolute, and I have been training/competing ever since.

What are your immediate training goals?

Working more on my stand-up.

What are your goals for the next five years?

Becoming pro.

Why do you love training at Absolute MMA?

Some of my best friends are from the gym. Sometimes I just come in to chat with them lol. Sometimes though, most times I still train.

What is your favourite move?


Favourite workout/walkout song?

ACDC – Back to Black.

Nicknames & Fight Names?

”Brcocoli arms”, credit to Toohey.

What do you like to do to relax besides training?

Playing my PS4 and bring my partner’s dog to the park.

Can you tell us about where you’re from and any interesting stories growing up? If you’re not originally from Melbourne, how’d you end up living in Melbourne, Australia?

Grew up in Malaysia. Moved away when I was 17 to another state, away from my parents. I was into bodybuilding throughout college and even competed in a few competitions. Never had any interest or thoughts of trying martial arts at all back then. I was all about those gainz, and smashing weights. I worked as a financial adviser for almost a year after finishing college before I decided that it was not for me. Had a talk with my parents and they suggested to further my studies here in Melbourne. Came here four years ago, started martial arts about a year after and I have been hooked ever since. I remember my first free trial class that I did about three years ago. I was bigger and muscular than I was now, and this girl I partnered with just double legged me, and got me in an RNC before I knew what was happening. It was then I knew I needed to learn this lol.

Who are the kind of people that you look up to and why?

Those who are humble and respectful. No matter how good you are, there is always someone better, so stay humble.

What’s your favourite place to eat in Melbourne and your #1 dish recommendation?

I grew up in Malaysia so it would have to be Nasi lemak. Mamak restaurant in the CBD makes the best one around Melbourne, I think.

If you could go back in time to your first martial art class, what would be the advice you give to your past self?

Listen more to your coach, not YouTube.

“This guy is a legend both on and off the mat. Seriously down to earth and incredibly talented.”- Stephanie Scipione

“Ridz is an absolute killer in the gym, very friendly and not that strong……. this man loves his kimura grips, but what he really needs to work on is his abs and biceps (I’m totally not jealous of his muscle). PS, if you want his body, I’m his dietitian/trainer.”- Bailey Wang

“The lil Malaysian warrior that eats too much broccoli haha. Happy guy that always has a smile on his face and loves to train.”- Drew Anthony Birch

“Easily one of the nicest and most swole members at the gym.”- Andre Nguyen

“My boy Ridz one of the nicest human being in the matts. He’ll look after you during training sessions and even share his wisdom too. But always get to amaze me seeing him lifting people up with a double leg so flawlessly. This guys is a machine!”- Luke Catubig

“An absolute beast both ground and stand up. He’s the Mighty Mouse of the gym, the only difference between them two is that Ridz still has a set of hair and maybe one or two more abs. 😂” – Donn Malate

“Ridz is the smallest giant I ever met. What a monster.”- Thiago Stefanutti

“The only guy who can potentially defeat mighty mouse johnson. All round nice guy with a million dollar smile. It’s great training with the former Mr Malaysia.”-Kevin Lau

“ex-Mr Malaysia, pretty sure he still is.”- Rio Iskandar

“Ridz, aka Mr Malaysia aka Mr Armbars. With a disproportionate volume of Muscle to height, a smile like Tom Cruise in risky business and speed like a cheater, Ridz is an athletic charcter built for action movies ( playing the bad boy) and mma. I’ve been super fortunate to have been able to train side by side with Ridz for a few years now, he is a great team mate, martial artist and someone you want you train and partner with. He is the sole reason I know how to escape armbars 😂 I hope he continues to train and compete in MMA, Ridz has had a super impressive transition to striking after grappling for so long. I hope you lose some Muscle and abs so we can all feel better about ourselves Ridz- miss you mate!”- Kyle Morgan

Who is Absolute MMA

Since 2011, Absolute MMA has been Melbourne's premiere mixed martial arts training facility.

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