What discipline do you train/compete, and what are the details of your next contest?

I practice and compete in all the major Martial Arts, including Brazilian Jiu-Jitsu, Wrestling, Muay Thai and Boxing. My next MMA fight is scheduled for July 27, on Eternal MMA in Gold Coast (Queensland).

How did you get into martial arts?

I was bored with life and wanted a crazy challenge. I’d always been competitive and enjoyed sports and I felt momentum in the sport of Mixed Martial Arts, so I jumped on board.
I haven’t been involved in the sport for long. Before training I honestly disliked the sport. I just didn’t get it, two people locked in a cage, fighting one-another. Mind you, I was a complete dickhead of a person who was more interested in flashy suits and how I looked and dressed above anything else. Total f**king douche bag. Once I was introduced to martial arts, it changed my life for the better. I was completely humbled, and it showed me how much I didn’t know, not just in martial arts but in life. It’s funny how Martial Arts started off as something I disliked and suddenly transformed into the most important thing in my life. It saved my life and for that I’m truly grateful.

What is the first fight you remember watching?

Like I mentioned, I hadn’t been watching too much MMA, so when I started watching it was already well-established. The first fight I was glued to watching was TJ Dillashaw vs Dominick Cruz for the UFC Bantamweight Title. It was an amazing fight, an actual piece of artwork. Here are two of the greatest Martial Artists of all time, and just the way they fought was so majestic and fluid. It wasn’t chaotic and brutal like most non-MMA-fans think the sport is. The styles were beautiful to watch, very calm and had lots of amazing footwork and movement.

What fight do you feel has had the biggest impact on you, this can be either a fight you’ve watched or a fight you’ve had, and why?

The fight mentioned above (TJ vs Cruz) had the biggest impact on me. What was most impressive was how cool and fluid the fight was. Most fighters sit in the pocket and swing from the Bleachers; the best of the best fighters use their mind to fight, which is what these guys did. Two legends using lots of movement, feints, head movement, unorthodox methods – for five rounds! Neither of them looked the slightest bit tired so their cardio was elite. It was addictive to watch and I’m glad I had the opportunity to watch it. This was the fight which opened the door for me and made me pursue this journey.

It’s common for fighters to be given fight nicknames, have you ever thought of one for yourself that you wish took off but it never did?

This is a funny question; I’ve been given a few Nicknames but none have stuck around unfortunately.
– The Cannoli Kid (for my love of the greatest Italian desert in the world, Cannoli’s)
– Reckless Rob (sort of my style, especially when I’m Wrestling or trying to pass Guard)
– Bambino (translates the Little Man or even Baby Boy in Italian. It’s terrible but I think it’s pretty funny)

If you were a videogame character (street fighter, mortal kombat, tekken etc), what would your special move be?

Charizard (My Favourite Pokemon) can do the two things I wish I could, Breathe Fire and Fly. If I can’t pick between the two, then I want my special move to be to turn into Charizard hahaha!

What do you love about training at Absolute MMA?

Absolute MMA is not just a gym, it’s a way of life for most people, especially me. Without Absolute I feel I would be lost in life, living and breathing without any purpose. Absolute has saved me from dark days, it’s introduced to some of my best friends and has made me a far better person than I was in the past. I owe my life to Absolute MMA.

What do you think is the best piece of advice you have received throughout your martial arts journey?

“Stop asking how much you can get this week. Start asking how much you can give this week.”

I’m constantly battling my thoughts every day, planning which sessions I can make. Once I do make those sessions, I find myself just ticking boxes, not getting the knowledge and work from the session. Once I heard that advice, especially the second part (HOW MUCH CAN YOU GIVE) it truly created a monster inside of me. Now when I train, it is with purpose, with intent, with the desire to grow, to learn and become addicted. Wanting to come back for more. This has been an amazing change in focus and motivation for my training.

If you could go back in time to your first martial art class, what would be the advice you give to your past self?

Hahaha take it easy on your training partners and not try and drop them. My first ever class I partnered with my Brother so there was a sense of establishing who was the Alpha between the two, but it was stupid regardless. Take care of your training partners!!!

Finally, where can we buy tickets to come and support you in your next bout? if you can make it to the Gold Coast.
If you want to watch the event live online check out FITE TV at:

Who is Absolute MMA

Since 2011, Absolute MMA has been Melbourne's premiere mixed martial arts training facility.

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Mark Sixma