What discipline do you train/compete, and what are the details of your next contest?

I train and compete in BJJ, Muay Thai and MMA. I just fought on Eternal MMA 46 and my victory made it into a highlight reel that has gone viral on Facebook, you can check it out here, I’m the second clip:

How did you get into martial arts?

Was told to keep fit in the off season for soccer, saw a sign for a local MMA gym. The rest is history.

“You two should fight!” If you could take ANY two people from history and have them fight each other, who would it be?

Michael Jackson v Elvis.

What is the first fight you remember watching?

On TV, it was one of Mayweather Jr’s fights, but I can’t remember his opponent.

What fight do you feel has had the biggest impact on you, this can be either a fight you’ve watched or a fight you’ve had, and why?

Maxim Dadashev v Subriel Matias. Maxim died as a result of this fight, and this stuck with me. It made me realise that although we love what we do, this isn’t a game. And if it’s something we commit to we must take it seriously.

It’s common for fighters to be given fight nicknames, have you ever thought of one for yourself that you wish took off but it never did?

I’ve been called daddy. Hasn’t taken off, wish it did.

If you were a video game character (street fighter, mortal kombat, tekken etc), what would your special move be?

I’d be Rock Lee from Naruto and belting people with the drunken fist.

What do you love about training at Absolute MMA?

Top environment, great bunch of people to be around, and the fact that there’s a wealth of fight knowledge always available to you.

What do you think is the best piece of advice you have received throughout your martial arts journey?

To train the physical but to also train the mental.

If you could go back in time to your first martial art class, what would be the advice you give to your past self?

I’d say just keep doing what you’re doing you little g.

Finally, where can we buy tickets to come and support you in your next bout?

Keep posted on instagram @kakembomma and on Facebook via Semakadde Kakembo.

Photography: W.L Fight Photography and Throwdown Photography.

Who is Absolute MMA

Since 2011, Absolute MMA has been Melbourne's premiere mixed martial arts training facility.

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