This week we are excited to run an Ask Me Anything with Coach Joe Boobyer! Each week we will have a new coach take questions from members via our Facebook Members Only group. New to the club? You can join our group here.

Joe is an internationally experienced coach, personal trainer and a professional fighter with a record of 37 wins from 56 fights. He has spent the past 12+ years training in Muay Thai, K-1, Boxing and MMA, with professional experience in all four disciplines. He has won the World Muay Thai Federation Pro Heavyweight World Title, challenged for the World Muay Thai Council Cruiserweight World Title once and World Kickboxing Network International Super heavyweight title twice, and has won two 4 man K-1 middleweight tournaments in China.

He spent over 5 years living in gyms and training throughout Thailand where he won multiple time stadium titles. Has been ranked at 6 worldwide by the World Boxing Council at super-cruiserweight.

Joel Verhey – Hey Joe, what’s the best stretching routine for someone fairly new to Muay Thai when looking to improve hip flexibility and therefore kick height? To further this, do you recommend ballistic stretching? If so, how often?

My stretching routine is similar to this video from Duane Ludwig, with a few changes. I put more emphasis in different areas, but this is a good start. I’ll make a video of mine and get it uploaded soon. I stretch at the start of my workouts after warming up. As for ballistic stretching, I’d recommend talking to a specialist who could educate you on the pros/cons.

Thurman Merman – Have you been able to retain a working with children certificate with that mo?

Since these pictures, the mo has been removed. It was for the greater good.

Jesse David – How do you recommend fighters balance your Muay Thai technical training with Strength and Conditioning?

I believe S+C training should be used as a tool to make you better at your sport, it’s very easy to get caught doing far too much and eventually it taking prevalence over the sport itself. I’m no S+C coach so talk to one of the highly qualified team here to see what you should be doing, just don’t put it ahead of getting better at the techniques themselves.

Amit Narayan – In March of 2018, Mediakix crowned ‘EpicFunnyPage’ the best meme page on Instagram. What are your thoughts on this? Also how do you think Oliver is able to live a normal life, despite his freakishly small hands?

Mediakix don’t know what they’re talking about I’ll say that much. And Oli… poor guy, if he had regular sized hands, he’d be a black belt by now.

Daniella Marie – What’s the heaviest dumbbell you can pick up between your crab toes?

I reckon 10kg.

Jake “The Honey Bear” Heun – What do get up to on your weekends???

Just super relaxing stuff. Balancing rocks at natural hot springs and meditating, that sort of thing.

Mateusz Żemietro – Would you rather fight 100 duck-sized horses or one horse-sized duck? And why?

100 duck sized horses! I got chased by a normal duck once and it had no fear, a horse sized duck is basically a dinosaur.

Oliver Smith – What was your first MMA fight like? And are you tempted to have another MMA fight?

I beat the life out of what I’m pretty sure was a Lithuanian labourer who knew a bit of judo. Threw up a triangle the wrong way round, slung some elbows out, stood up and knocked him out with a 1-2, high kick, knee, face teep, cross hook combo. Probably the most impressive finish I’ve had and it was 40+ fights ago hahaha, 100% wins, 100% KOs. Get me on path to hex.

Jake Savić – Will we see a return of the mo anytime soon?

Every time I shave I leave the mo behind and have a long hard look at myself in the mirror.

Jake “The Honey Bear” Heun – Hey Joe last question, why exactly did you leave Thailand?

I was sick of walking down the street every day and all these women calling me sexy man, handsome man. I’m more than just a piece of meat.

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Since 2011, Absolute MMA has been Melbourne's premiere mixed martial arts training facility.

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