We have many amazing people with interesting stories that walk into all our gyms! This member spotlight turns to Max Mews, resident joker and the newest face of Craig Jones MA1 athlete apparel at Melbourne CBD. When he’s not looking fabulous in leopard print, Max dabbles in Brazilian Jiu-Jitsu and slings some pretty amazing tacos at Mamasita around the corner from our CBD gym. He is also a bass guitarist in the band Cascades and never fails to make us smile, read on to find out more about Maxie Boi!

Occupation: Taco Slinger

Martial Arts/Sports: Brazilian Jiu-Jitsu

How did you get into the sport?

One of the chefs where I used to work (Michael Morrison) would always be talking about it, he asked me if I’d like to learn some in his lounge room, it wasn’t creepy or anything.

What are your immediate training goals?

To baseball bat choke everyone.

What are your goals for the next five years?

Do you mean in life? Geez. Uh, I’d like to release another album with my friends in Cascades, keep training BJJ, be the best dad I can be for my daughter, get a better job.

Why do you love training at Absolute MMA?

Because it’s pretty much the only active thing I do, the rest of my life has become a lot easier to deal with thanks to BJJ, I went from feeling like I didn’t fit in, to wondering why all my friends don’t do BJJ very quickly.

What is your favourite move?

Baseball bat choke.

Favourite workout/walkout song?

Bananas and Blow by Ween.

Nicknames & Fight Names?

Thiago calls me “Mega Brain” because I’m highly intelligent and super cool, not because of cranial size at all.

What do you like to do to relax besides training?

Roll with Tina.

Can you tell us about where you’re from and any interesting stories growing up? If you’re not originally from Melbourne, how’d you end up living in Melbourne, Australia?

Grew up in Tassie, moved here about 10 years ago, everything smells better there, but you have to wear thermals all the time.

Who are the kind of people that you look up to and why?

I look up to patient people, due to the fact that they can usually tolerate my personality for long enough for me to ascertain whether or not I should look up to them for other reasons.

What’s your favourite place to eat in Melbourne and your #1 dish recommendation?

Usually wherever I work because I get a discount, so Mamasita at the moment, try the rockling ceviche and pork rib tacos.

If you could go back in time to your first martial art class, what would be the advice you give to your past self?

Train more man, you’re still a white belt in 2019.

“Max has a big and red head.” – Thiago Stefanutti

“Max is probably the funniest guy at AMMA. He always brings a smile to your face and is an absolute beast to roll with!”- Sarah Sinclair

“He may not be the most skilled on the mat, but he makes up for it with his sense of humour and showing up to always give it a good solid crack.”- Apryl Eppinger

“Max is a top bloke who always has something funny to say when he’s rolling… and that’s about the only good thing he does in a roll.”- Cooper Burnham

“Max is no friend of mine- in fact all he ever does, is come over to my place, eats all of my food, and stops my husband Tim from doing his chores so they can play video games or roll around in our mat room like two little boys instead of being two grown-ass adult men. Max has also smashed a hole in our wall with his big head, and a bowl of homemade guacamole (I will never forgive for that)- that’s why I make a point of smashing him in every round when we roll, including smothering his face in his own pool of sweat on the mats. It’s very therapeutic, and I suppose that’s one of the only redeeming quality of his.- Tina Trinh

“He’s one of my very favourite human beings. Hilarious, lovely, and he looks spectacular in leopard print. I love Max❤” –  Alistair Marx

“Max loves a good punishment.” – Richard Lattemagi

“Max Mews is a funny guy, he is always having a conversation when he is rolling. He’s my friend.”- Sean Le Gourrierec

“I met Maxwell Mews while travelling through the jungles of Peru 10 years ago, at the time he went by the name, Fernando. We became friends while participating in an Ayahuasca ceremony under the guidance of some of the local shaman, the ceremony lasted seven days. We lost touch for several years, but I re-met Fernando in Melbourne, where I learned that he has become a qualified Ayahuasca Shaman and performs local ceremonies in Melbourne under the name, Maxwell Mews. Additionally, Max also does BJJ, he is very enthusiastic and enjoys it very much. One day he may even be good at it.”- James Sullivan

“Max strives to be a technical roller, always keen to break down positions whether it’s after a few drinks in the back yard, on the tram, or behind the bar where we work. It’s never an inappropriate time for us to get our hands on each other, we don’t care who sees #lovefeelsnoshame” – George McCahill

“Max Mews is probably the funniest bobble head I know. He’s always laughing, often at himself, or talking shit, especially while getting bashed. Max has come a long way since he started jiu jitsu, and is always thinking about jiu jitsu even when hes being a lazy bum. I dont know what’s bigger, his head, or his heart. He is a great bloke, even if he rolls like a joke!” – Tim Baker

“Max is a gentile giant, who is as solid in his techniques as he is as a person. Always up for a roll or a beer and formidable at both! One of the most encouraging and humble Absolute members! Legend!”- Trish Brew

Who is Absolute MMA

Since 2011, Absolute MMA has been Melbourne's premiere mixed martial arts training facility.

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