We have many amazing people with interesting stories that walk into all our gyms! This member spotlight turns to Matthew “Jensy” Jens, family man, valued member of the morning crew at Absolute MMA and blue belt in Brazilian Jiu-Jitsu. Taking away a gold and two silver medals at the recent SuperBJJ, Jensy has been active on the competition scene this year and is on a quest to grapple for good, organising the upcoming Rollathon: Charity Grappling event to be held at Absolute MMA Collingwood in December. Check out the charity page here, and find out more about how you can get involved! Read on to find out more about Jensy!

Occupation: Production Manager at Synergy Events, and Headphone Specialist at StereoNET.

Martial Arts/Sports: BJJ and MMA.

How did you get into the sport?

I was introduced to MMA and BJJ by Sam Hayward in Ballarat. I started coming to classes to get fit, but shortly after I fell in love with the sport. Sam’s passion for BJJ is incredibly infectious, he has a very genuine love for martial arts. He is also a savage grappler.

What are your immediate training goals?

I haven’t competed in the last few years (since my daughter was born) and I’ve finally decided to get back into it this year. I’ve been smashing heaps of comps already, and I’m looking forward to smashing heaps more!

What are your goals for the next five years?

I would love to keep progressing in my BJJ journey. I’m hoping that my upcoming competition experience will teach me a thing or two. I’d also love to start pushing the technical side of my grappling to its limit. I’d also love to start teaching my 3 year old daughter BJJ!

Why do you love training at Absolute MMA?

I love the coaches, and the people I train with – especially my fellow morning warriors that get up at stupid o’clock every morning to train.

What is your favourite move?

Darce choke. Nothing else comes close.

Favourite workout/walkout song?

Kool And The Gang – Jungle Boogie

Nicknames & Fight Names?

“Jensy”. Everyone call me this (except for my Mum).

What do you like to do to relax besides training?

If I’m not at training, I’m either smashing gigs, spending time with my family, or reviewing some headphones/HiFi gear.

Can you tell us about where you’re from and any interesting stories growing up? If you’re not originally from Melbourne, how’d you end up living in Melbourne, Australia?

I grew up in Ballarat. I moved to Torquay when I was 18, then to Melbourne when I was 19 to study.

Who are the kind of people that you look up to and why?

I look up to a few people, but one of them is definitely John Campbell. His whole life revolves around integrity, honesty, loyalty and killer leg locks. If that’s not a winning combination, I don’t know what is. Dylan Alcott is another, he is an absolute champion and a sporting legend, and never lets anything get him down.

Also Sean Le Gourrierec, who valiantly wakes up at the crack of dawn every single weekday to train our sorry asses. That in itself deserves a special mention. Lastly, my Dad, because he is awesome (probably not much of a grappler though).

What’s your favourite place to eat in Melbourne and your #1 dish recommendation?

The Korean Fried Chicken at Rice Queen (in Fitzroy) is absolutely ridiculous.

If you could go back in time to your first martial art class, what would be the advice you give to your past self?

Control your breathing, and slow down. Also, you really don’t need to drink espresso before every class. It might sound like a good idea, but it’s really not.

“Absolute top bloke! Matthew is a hard worker, tough grappler, dedicated family man, and great friend. Very lucky to have him part of the Absolute family!”- Maryanne Mullahy

“Jensy is top bloke, always supports the morning class, he chokes everyone with his darce and he’s been a mate for ages!”- Sean Le Gourrierec

“Matthew is a really nice guy who is always keen to learn. His personality is always great to have around the gym. He sometimes thinks he is funny (not really we just laugh at him!!) Always talks highly and lovingly about his family time.”- Sharky Ruffo

“Matthew Jensy Jens, commonly referred to as the Art Garfunkel to my Paul Simon, is actually alright despite hailing from Bendigo. He is always available to make his 84kg feel like 184kg, pass out parenting advice and darce you from what ever position he is in. In saying this, he does struggle with a few common phrases, I am not sure he quite understands them, things like, ‘let’s just roll light’, ‘are your ribs still sore, I’ll avoid them’, ‘we will just have a few beers’, ‘the cops are gone, it’s okay to come out now’, ‘Live Laugh Love’ and his favourite, ‘It’s Ballarat not Bendigo’.”- Andy Sales

Who is Absolute MMA

Since 2011, Absolute MMA has been Melbourne's premiere mixed martial arts training facility.

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