ADCC Submission Fighting World Championship 2019 – RESULTS

On Saturday 28 September, the ADCC Worlds 2019 was officially underway, and the worldwide grappling community tuned in to see the world’s best grapplers go head to head! With four competitors from Absolute MMA heading to the world’s most prestigious submission grappling tournament, the team was understandably excited, looking on with bated breath as Livia Giles, Lachlan Giles, Craig Jones and Ben Hodgkinson went to throw down on the 13th edition of the Abu Dhabi Combat Club Submission Wrestling World Championship.

Day one saw our Ben Hodgkinson in the -99kg division draw Gordon “The King” Ryan – the previous ADCC champion for the -88kg division and silver medallist in the absolute in 2017. The match began with Gordan pulling guard, tornado sweeping Ben. Ben turtled in defence, with Gordan taking his back, finishing the match via RNC and taking the win. Kudos to Ben for taking on the champion in round one, with Gordon then going on to take double gold, in this division and the absolute.

In the first round of the Women’s -60kg division, black belt Livia Giles drew ADCC veteran and 2017 silver medallist, Bianca Basilio (Brazil). At the beginning of the match, Liv attempted to guard pull, however Basilio timed a jump triangle perfectly to close guard, worked on a gift wrap on Liv’s arm and began to work around to Liv’s back. Liv then conceded mount to avoid getting her back taken, and turned in an attempt to create space, however, Basilio managed to pivot and secure the back, sinking in a RNC for the win. Basilio then went on to defeat Elvira Karppinen and Ffion Davies to take home the gold for the division.

Lachlan Giles faced off against Lucas Lepri in round one of the -77kg division, with Lepri pulling guard to start. The first few minutes were tense, with Lachlan looking for gaps to start passing or enter a leg entanglement. At around the midpoint of the match, Lachlan sat back to 50/50 for a leg, with Lepri getting free quickly. With the two then facing off in a double guard pull until the final five minutes of the match, Lepri then stands to start passing. In the last three minutes, Lepri passed with a knee slice, Lachlan turtled to defend however Lepri countered with a back take for 3 points, holding the back until the clock ran out, Lepri securing the win via points (3-0).

Craig Jones, breakout star of ADCC 2017 drew Ben Dyson, winner of the EU trials for round one. Craig pulls straight away, aggressively trying to get on Dyson’s legs, and eventually gets onto one, Dyson trying to scramble away, with Craig coming up to get the sweep. With Craig then working to pass, Dyson comes up on a under-hook sweep, Craig jumping to closed guard in response. Craig plays on bottom getting into a few leg entanglements and attacking heel hooks and toe holds, but Dyson manages to scramble out of things well, showing great submission defence. Persistent as always, Craig hits a beautiful saddle entry and gets the heel just after the 6 minute mark, securing the win via heel hook.

Round two came about, and Craig went up against Mason Fowler, an up and coming professional Mixed Martial Artist, with a great wrestling skillset and Brazilian Jiu-Jitsu foundation. This match had plenty of back and forth with both competitors attempting to wrest control from the other, with more often Craig securing dominance from guard and on top. With 45 seconds to go, Fowler attempted a single leg, allowing Craig to secure the head before the fight was taken to ground, with Craig firstly attempting a mounted arm in guillotine, with Fowler rolling Craig to his back, and unable to escape, tapped with 30 seconds left on the clock. A hard fought victory for Craig via guillotine!

A crucial match for Craig was up next in the semi-finals against opponent Jon Blank (10th Planet Bethlehem) and EBI 17 winner, in a repeat of their match at KASAI in April previously this year. With Craig pulling guard in the first minute, he secured a deep arm in guillotine choke from knee shield, ending up in mount. Blank did well here to escape Craig’s choke and attempted a leg lock, which Craig had telegraphed. This resulted in Craig securing the back, sinking in a brutal RNC for the win. A repeat of the finish of their match in April!

Day two rolled around, and it was time for the finals! With finals lasting 20 minutes, Craig came up against a familiar face in Matheus Diniz in their third match up. Craig spent the first half of the match on his back attempting submissions, including a brief kimura, and a number of leg entanglements, which Matheus was able to escape prior to Craig securing anything substantial. This stalemate resulting in ten minutes of overtime, in which Craig attempted a takedown at the halfway point, which Matheus was able to reverse, ending up on top and securing two points. Craig once again attempted to lock on submissions which Matheus eluded, the over time period culminating in a points victory for Diniz (2-0). A valiant effort from Craig, who sustained an eye injury during the competition and was unable to participate in the absolute division. Congratulations on being one of the first two Australians in over a decade to secure an ADCC medal! 

In the Absolute/Open weight of day two, Lachlan Giles (under 77kg) came up against Kaynan Duarte (+99kg), winner of black belt IBJJF worlds and winner of the ADCC +99kg division earlier on the day. Lachlan starts the match by pulling guard, working to invert and shoot towards a leg entanglement. Kaynan then works to take Lachlan’s back, however Lachlan manages to keep a hold of Kaynan’s leg, preventing the back take. Kaynan then looks for space in an attempt to pass or take the back, however Lachlan shuts down Kaynan’s attempt by keeping him locked in guard. During the third minute, Lachlan inverts and shoots to 50/50, securing the heel hook. Kaynan then taps, with Lachlan causing arguably the largest upset of the tournament. Lachlan emerges victorious to an adoring crowd, with an amazing win via heel hook!

Round two of the absolute division saw Lachlan come up against Patrick Gaudio (+99kg), a IBJJF bronze medallist at worlds and well accomplished Brazilian Jiu-Jitsu competitor. Patrick begins the match by attempting to pass low in order to counter against Lachlan’s leg entries. Lachlan played guard well here, and stifled Patrick’s pass attempts. Just before the final three minute mark, Patrick changes his tactic and stands, trying to jump back for a loose leg lock. Lachlan counters and shifts to his 50/50 position, working on a heel hook to get the tap from Gaudio! Giant slayer Lachie Giles secures another massive upset and advances to the semi finals.

In the semi-finals of the absolute division, Lachlan steps into a match with Gordan “The King” Ryan (-99kg), who has just won the under 99kg division for ADCC 2019, one of the best No-Gi grappler’s on the planet and one of the favourites to win the absolute division. Lachlan attempts to employ the same strategy he has used previously in the absolute, however Gordon defends and counters well, using his own deep knowledge of the leg lock game. Gordan then secures a dominant top position and gives Lachlan no space, shutting down his leg lock entries. Using pressure to slowly smear his way to mount, Gordon then forces Lachlan to turn, securing his back and finishing the match with a RNC in the last three minutes. Great defence from Lachlan against one of the world’s best, with this match complete Lachlan advances to compete for third place. Gordon would go on to take out the absolute division in the finals, and achieve champ champ status!

Competing against Mahamed Aly (2018 world champion at black belt) for bronze, Lachlan takes on yet another giant with Aly weighing around 114kg. Lachlan pulls guard, and Aly tries to pass standing while Lachlan attempts to secure a leg entanglement. In the first minute, Lachlan hits the same leg entry that he did on Kaynan and Patrick earlier on in the day. Aly tries desperately to spin out, however Lachlan is on his heel, cranking hard. Lachlan gets the tap in just over one minute and emerges victorious via heel hook, to a screaming crowd who have just watched him take down three highly skilled opponents with significant weight on him. Making ADCC history as the first and only Australian to medal in the absolute division and emerging as the darling of day two, Lachlan takes away the bronze medal!

We are supremely proud of all our competitors for making it onto this prestigious stage and of everything that they have achieved at this tournament. Our athletes made up all but one of the Australians representing at ADCC Worlds and this representation is a testament to how hard our coaches and students have worked over the past two years to prepare for this competition. Congratulations to all of our athletes!

Written by Emilie Yap and James Sullivan.

Photography: Jiujitsu in Frames, Jiu-Jitsu Times 

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