Coach Amit Narayan is an experienced personal trainer and strength & conditioning coach, having coached for over 4 years. A man who is determined to make his best, better, Amit has trained athletes in preparation for Martial Arts, Australian Rules Football and Gridiron Football, as well as individuals for strength and weight loss. Read on to find out more about the man, Amit…the legend!

Nicknames & Fight Names?

Captain Supa Fantastico, Mittens and (Knee) Reaper

What would you consider your greatest achievements in Martial Arts?

The time Thiago said ‘Good, Amit’.

How did you first get involved with Absolute MMA? (What industry were you in prior to Martial Arts? What made you change?)

I first joined Absolute MMA shortly after studying to be a Personal Trainer. My ultimate goal was always to be a Strength & Conditioning coach for combat athletes, and I wanted to expand my knowledge on combat sports by learning different martial arts. Furthermore, I wanted to experience the unique methods different coaches have to instructing and coaching.

I decided to checkout Absolute MMA due to its extensive timetable and central location (This is when the CBD was the only location). I was taken aback at first by Thiago’s welcoming attitude during my trial class, and the amount of time and instruction he gave me in my first class. That was my first class, and I haven’t looked back since.

Prior to commencing my personal training studies, I was working at ANZ. During my time there I was employed to complete training manuals and subsequently train staff. I enjoyed the aspect to instructing and teaching, but quickly realised how much more I would enjoy it if it were something I was passionate about, health and fitness.

Tell us about your life growing up, what is your favorite memory from when you were younger?

The first time I ate a margarita pizza is by far my favorite memory. Molto bene.

Where do you see yourself in 5 years?

Flying to Absolute MMA in a jet pack.

If you weren’t working in the Martial Arts industry, what would you be doing?

Being very sad, in another field.

If you were going to be an animal, what would you be and why?

Brock Lesnar, he counts, right?

What is your favorite travel destination? Why?

All Day Donuts, because every time I travel there, I come back with donuts.

Tell us a fun fact about yourself!

I trained to be a professional wrestler as a teenager, my wrestling name was Captain Super Fantastico. I only took part in one match as a professional wrestler. I got kicked in the face, slammed on my bonce and pinned. It was amazing.

Who are the kind of people that you look up to and why?

I often talk about my appreciation for strong, driven people. People striving to achieve their dreams and desires, is something I’ve always been drawn to. I’ve been lucky to meet and surround myself with people with goals ranging from small to global, and I’m always taken by their drive to achieve their goals.

I appreciate honest, hardworking people- that might seem an obvious choice, but is something I truly look up to. I’ve always admired an individual who can admit fault and admit when they don’t know something. It’s not a trait many people exercise, but a statement such as ‘I don’t know’ or ‘I was wrong’, can be pretty powerful.  

Do you have a “useless” talent that makes people smile every time you use it?

My life.

If you could go back in time to your first martial art class, what would be the advice you give to your past self?

Train more, train harder, and sports tape is cheaper on eBay.

During a Absolute MMA staff retreat a zombie apocalypse breaks out. You get separated with 3 AMMA team members. Who would be part your dream team and why?

I changed this question to 5 Absolute Members after consulting with Dave, these are:

Dom Vergou: Obviously
Vince Rogato: He’s my fratello, P4P Most handsome man in the gym, if the earth is to be repopulated, why wouldn’t you want these genes doing it?
Hayley Weir: Anyone who’s seen her car understands, anyone who’s heard about her fixing cars understands, anyone who’s heard her list her guns understands, anyone that’s been tapped by her understands, really this list could go on.
Maryanne Mullahy: One of the P4P strongest humans in the gym, world champion and one of the toughest people I’ve ever met. She’s also the loveliest and her art is legendary (Both the art of violence, and the art of illustration).
James ‘Jimbolinho Swolters’ Walters: Also one of the P4P strongest, THE strongest jawline, reverse sears a mean steak, and a SAVAGE.

Make no mistake, I’m the odd one out in this group, they should really leave me behind and prosper.

“Amit is a very good trainer who is always worried about his student’s form and who is focused on making people move well. He is a BJJ student, he is that guy who never puts his back on the ground…but on top he is a rock.” – Thiago Stefanutti, Coach

“I got nothing.” – Dom Vergou

“You have Amit to blame for my strength.” – Adrian Ciuffetelli

“Amit owns every UFC to date on DVD, and alphabetises everything he owns. He also will only date someone who can deadlift a car, so you can sure tell he is committed to the cause. He cares more about your lifting form than he does about his own health and well-being. All round nugget and legend.”- James Walters

“When people think of the stereotype of a strength coach, the image of an aggressive meathead who is always yelling comes to mind.  Amit, however, uses the perfect combo of humor, knowledge and passion to get his clients and athletes the strength gains they’re after.” – Darren Gn

Who is Absolute MMA

Since 2011, Absolute MMA has been Melbourne's premiere mixed martial arts training facility.

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