Brazilian Jiu-Jitsu (BJJ) was the first martial art to dominate the Ultimate Fighting Championship (UFC) and it remains one of the most effective forms of self-defence and an essential component of modern MMA.

A grappling-centric art, the goal of BJJ is to force your opponent into submission with joint locks and chokes. The emphasis is on technique and leverage and BJJ was designed to allow a smaller person defeat a stronger foe with ease.

BJJ is often described as a game of "physical chess" due to it's depth and technical nature.

  • World-class coaching at every level
  • Challenge and develop your problem solving skills, focus and patience
  • Combat-proven self-defence
  • Develop power, speed and agility
  • Build muscle and lose fat while learning valuable skills
  • Develop confidence


A Brazilian Jiu-Jitsu class typically starts with a warm-up that is not only designed to get you loose and ready to roll, but also to develop your skills. Hip-escapes, shoulder rolling, bridging, pummeling and other movements essential to BJJ are drilled in nearly every class. If you’ve never done these movements before, that’s fine – we’ll run you through them.

Following the warmup you are shown techniques, for example an joint lock, choke, sweep, guard pass, escape or takedown. After your coach answers any questions, you’re given an opportunity to drill it with your partner. Your coach will come around the class and make corrections where needed.

After the technical training, you will have an opportunity to “roll” – the BJJ term for sparring. In rolling you will fight under BJJ rules for either points or a submission. Rolling under the right conditions is exceptionally safe as there is no striking and you have the option to “tap out” or submit if you are ever in an a position you are not comfortable with.
Absolute MMA offers both gi and no-gi Brazilian Jiu-Jitsu classes.

Gi vs No-Gi

A gi (pronounced the same as “key” but with a hard “g”) is the name of the clothing worn in Brazilian Jiu-Jitsu.

The BJJ gi is a heavy, thick, hard-wearing uniform that is traditionally meant to simulate jackets or other clothing. During gi classes you are allowed grip and manipulate both your own and your opponent’s clothing.

A gi is secured with your belt which shows your rank. The progression for belts is white, blue, purple, brown and black with “stripes” on the belt to indicate your movement through each belt.

No-gi refers to the lack of the gi ie. you train in shorts or tights and a t-shirt or rashie. No belts are worn during no-gi classes and you are not allowed to grip clothing in any way.

Gi BJJ is typically more methodical and there are a lot more technical options. No-gi BJJ is faster and has better carryover for MMA.



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