Wrestling is one of the oldest sports in the world and a core part of mixed martial arts.

Absolute MMA and Conditioning’s wrestling program teaches takedowns, takedown defence and positional dominance for mixed martial arts, allowing you to dictate the flow of the fight.

Wrestling is also fantastic for developing explosive power, strength, balance and leverage skills.

  • Olympic and international-level coaches
  • Learn fundamental skills for MMA
  • Develop tremendous physical and mental strength
  • Cultivate discipline and self-confidence
  • Develop problem solving skills
  • Learn exceptionally effective self-defence skills


A wrestling class generally starts with an intensive warm-up involving some bodyweight exercises and wrestling drills. You will typically be doing a variety rolling and flipping drills, neck exercises, cartwheels, wrestling steps, pummelling and more. Your warm up is designed primarily to get you ready for an intensive training sessions, but it will also develop your strength, flexibility and agility. If you've never done this kind of training before, that's fine – we'll guide you through it.

Following the warm-up, your coach will demonstrate a technique - be it a takedown, control position, reversal or another concept or movement. The content of the class will vary from week to week, keeping the class fresh and focusing on all aspects of wrestling.

You will then get the opportunity to drill the techniques with a partner and your coach will come around and make corrections as needed. You don't need to worry about bringing a training partner to the classes, we have plenty of people for you to train with at the gym.

At the end of class you will often have the opportunity to apply what you have learned with wrestling rounds. You may be instructed to train one specific area of wrestling or you may be free wrestling. All rounds sessions are closely monitored and we promote a safe and positive learning environment.


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