Coach Daniel Howard is a former Royal Marine Commando and a Muay Thai practitioner with a record of 8 wins, 2 losses and 1 draw with 2 bouts fought in Thailand. Unfortunately for us, this Englishman has recently secured his permanent residency, so we are stuck with him. Jokes aside, Dan is a well recognised S&C coach, and is highly experienced and qualified, holding a Cert III in Fitness, Cert IV in Personal Training, Cert IV in Marital Arts Coaching, as well as being a registered Muay Thai trainer with the Professional Boxing and Combat Sports Board (also holding a Master Trainer Level 1). He has recently completed a Bachelors of Exercise and Sports Science.

Dan takes genuine pleasure in hurting training our fight team to reach their peak levels of performance and we are lucky to have him. Read on to find out more about Dan!

Nicknames & Fight Names?

Nickname- God. (We would like to attest that no one calls Dan this.)

Mantra/Quote to live by?

The last set is the easiest.

Tell us about your life growing up, what is your favourite memory from when you were younger?


Where do you see yourself in 5 years?

It would be nice to get some sleep, so hopefully in 5 years time I will be able to have a nap.

Who is an inspiration to you, and why?

Randy Gardner- he currently holds the record for longest time without sleep.

If you could only eat one thing for the rest of your life, what would it be?


If you weren’t working in the Martial Arts industry, what would you be doing?


What do you like to do to relax besides training?

Train other people.

If you were going to be an animal, what would you be and why?

A drop Bear- have you seen those things!!

What is your favourite travel destination? Why?

Japan- it’s awesome.

Besides martial arts, what else are you passionate about and why?

Strength and Conditioning- getting athletes to perform at their absolute peak is awesome!

Who are the kind of people that you look up to and why?

Anyone taller than 5ft8- Because i’m 5ft8.

When was the last time you did something new for the first time and what was it?

Last week I was wrong about something. That’s the first time that’s ever happened.

Have you done other sports besides martial art and which teams/athletes are your favourite? Any funny stories?

Judo (when I was 7). Still to this day Thiago and Nathan are actually scared of my junior Orange belt capabilities.

Have you ever worked a job not in the fitness/martial arts industry? What were the highlights and lessons you learned?

Don’t do it.

Is there a book you’ve read that has influenced your outlook on life or the way you approach certain situations or people?

Supertraining- The Strength and Conditioning bible.

During an Absolute MMA staff retreat a zombie apocalypse breaks out. You get separated with 3 AMMA team members. Who would be part your dream team and why?

Thiago, because we need some bait for the zombies. Herbertson, because we need someone organised and Darren, because he just walked past me and I couldn’t think of anyone else.

“Always has something sarcastic to say, but as an S&C coach he’s good and well informed.“ – Kyle Leung

“Never believe Dan when he tells you an exercise is “nice and easy” …. coz you know it’s a lie.” – Lisa Yu

“Great mate! Knowledgeable coach! Passionate about his work and craft! A massive supporter of the all blacks! And New Zealand pies! Brothers for life 😃” – Moses Bentley

“Howard is probably the most knowledgeable teenager I’ve ever met. Always full of nothing but kind words and encouragement! Honestly, one of my cherished moments in life has quickly become the time he was smashed and telling me how much he appreciated me at the Christmas party. A memory I will keep forever… And keep reminding him of forever…”- Amit Narayan

“He makes you lift stuff even when you really don’t want to. I’ve never known anyone to motivate me as much as this guy… I’ve trained with him for over 4 years and he’s probably hands down the best S&C coach I’ve ever had. This guy is going places!” – Stephanie Scipione

“I guess he knows a little bit about exercise science. Not bad.” – Carmen He

“He’s alright.” – Chisaki Akiyama

“If you don’t know Dan, you might be inclined to believe he is constantly sleepy. Which he is, just a high functioning, sleepy individual. When you get to know Dan, he talks a lot of sh*t…just so you know…never take his word as gospel. It’s most likely a troll.” – Apryl Eppinger

“Dedicated trainer, who is always working overtime to ensure his fighters are in peak condition for their fights. On top of this, he is constantly completing new courses in strength and conditioning to expand his skill set.”- Liam McNeill


Due to the Labour Day public holiday on Monday, March 11 there will be no classes at any Absolute location.
The CBD will run an open mat/gym from 9am to 12pm.
Collingwood and St Kilda will host open mats from 11am to 2pm.
Please note customer service inquiries are unavailable on this date.


The Absolute MMA Thailand team went to war last weekend at Bangla Stadium! Previously on Bangla Road, this well-known stadium in Patong retained its name after moving to its new, larger location opposite Banzaan Market on Sai Kor Road (behind Jungceylon Shopping Mall). First up was our young gun and former lumpini stadium fighter, Toom Kraisit. After a great performance, Toom lost a very close decision against a strong opponent. Well done Toom, we can’t wait to see you fight again!

Our Frenchman Javad Turk returned to the ring looking to continue his winning streak and capture the Bangla Championship Belt. We would like to congratulate Javad, who succeeded and took away the win! Javad came away with a hard fought, second round K.O after delivering some punishing elbow strikes.

Congratulations also to Absolute MMA Thailand’s newest sponsored fighter, Yousef Gorgis. This was Yousef’s first time back in the ring in 8 months and he showed no sign of ring rust! Yousef continued to pour on the pressure in his bout, finishing off his opponent in the 1st round with some devastating knees to the body. Great work Yousef, what a return to the ring!

Thank you to our coaches and teammates who came to support the fighters, we could not have achieved the results that we have without your guidance!


We have many amazing people with interesting stories that walk into all our gyms! This member spotlight turns to Zachary Ayman, blue belt at Absolute MMA St Kilda, and donkey-guard connoisseur. Zach has competed at both AGC (Melbourne) and Grappling Industries, and we look forward to seeing what the rest of 2019 holds for him on the competitive circuit! Read on to find out more about Zach.

Occupation: Graphic Designer & Bottleshop Manager

Martial Arts/Sports: Brazilian Jiu-Jitsu

How did you get into the sport?

UFC Undisputed on PS3.

What are your immediate training goals?

Learn and win.

What are your goals for the next five years?

Sponsorship and a scholarship to a uni overseas.

Why do you love training at Absolute MMA?

Everything, everyone and everybody.

What is your favourite move?

Armbar RNC.

Favourite workout/walkout song?

Wild Thing – X.

What do you like to do to relax besides training?

Cooking and Reddit.

Can you tell us about where you’re from and any interesting stories growing up? If you’re not originally from Melbourne, how’d you end up living in Melbourne, Australia?

From Melbourne, Victoria – well and an interesting story is, I used to write comics for my primary school with a toilet as the main character! (lol).

Who are the kind of people that you look up to and why?

My mum because she taught me at a young age to work hard.

What’s your favourite place to eat in Melbourne and your #1 dish recommendation?

Tandoori Pavillion in Edithvale – get the garlic naan.

If you could go back in time to your first martial art class, what would be the advice you give to your past self?

Have fun and keep learning.

“Zach shares my hatred of Tom DeBlass, which is an instant tick of approval from me! A super lovely guy and a great person to have in the team! 🙂“- Hannah Gorman

“Zach is a man of many words, quotes, ideas, stories and accents. Some useful, some not useful at all, but all are guaranteed to kick start a conversation in any room. Keep up the good work Zach!”- Tom Everett

“Our resident donkey guard connoisseur.”- Richard Lattemagi

“Who is Zach Ayman? Zach is a forever improving asset to the gym. He comes in, trains, asks questions, gets better and then comes back for more! He’s resilient, competes well and is an outstanding person.” – Mikael Yahaya

“Been driving with Zach to training for a year and never know what to expect, one day he will speak as John Danaher the whole trip, the next he will belt out a Dixie Chicks album.”- Matthew McGuinness


Coach Kaan “Genghis” Olfi is a mixed martial artist with a professional record of 5-2-1. He holds a brown belt in Brazilian Jiu-Jitsu and has over 5 years experience as a coach. He has been training for over 11 years and has spent the last 4 years as a full-time professional. He holds a Cert 3 in Fitness. All the best to Kaan on the upcoming HEX 18 (29/03/2019) where he is matched against opponent Scott “Mad Dog” MacGregor, with Kaan coming in to the bout on a 2-fight win streak following his only loss! Read on to find out more about Kaan!

What would you consider your greatest achievements in Martial Arts?

Getting international experience both in training and fighting.

What made you start Martial Arts?

My father put me into a soccer club, first season in he noticed I wasn’t good at of the positions besides tackling everyone. So at 11, I started martial arts, the first being Japanese jujitsu, then BJJ, then ninjitsu.

How did you first get involved with Absolute MMA?

I was introduced through friends, then one thing led to another.

What are your immediate training goals?

Gaining a desire to grab peoples feet.

Mantra/Quote to live by?

What you think you become, what you feel you attract, what you imagine you create.

Why do you love training at Absolute MMA?

Great variety of coaches/staff/facility, and training partners. There’s all sorts of amazing and interesting characters at Absolute MMA. You’d be lame to not enjoy the vibe.

Favourite workout/walkout song?

I’ve already released my single (haha). No, seriously, in 2015 my good friend and music producer created a walk out song for me. Check it on apple music, “Genghis kaan anthem”.

Where do you see yourself in 5 years?


What do you like to do to relax besides training?

Music! Learning, visualising and meditation. Massages/cryotherapy/float tank. In the past few months I’ve gained a new love for the water and swimming laps, focusing on relaxing and breathing.

If you could only eat one thing for the rest of your life, what would it be?

Tough choice between sushi or pizza.

Can you tell us about where you’re from and any interesting stories growing up? If you’re not originally from Melbourne, how’d you end up living in Melbourne, Australia?

I was born in Melbourne, growing up my family moved around a lot, and we lived all over Australia. We even lived farm life once upon a time, I’ve lived in a tent, spent a short time in an all aboriginal school in Robinvale and moved schools a lot as a teen. There was a stage in my life where I had nowhere to live, with my mum and sister waiting for government housing for about a 2 year period, living in a car, homeless refugee building, and a church. I went through a lot of adversity growing up, learning early on that the cards where dealt against me.

What is your favourite travel destination? Why?

I’ve still got a lot of travelling to do, for the moment it’s Bali, it’s a magical island.

Who are the kind of people that you look up to and why?

I look up to people that are real. People who have a positive impact on this world. People that are inspiring and spread good energy. People that encounter difficult circumstances, but are determined and courageous enough to live life on their terms, and have created something out of nothing.

What’s your favourite music genre and musicians? Why do you enjoy their music?

I like listening to most genres, mainly reggae, dance rnb, hip hop. My favourite artist is J Cole, I was able to relate and be inspired by his lyrics from a young age, he’s one of the last ones left that keeps it real.

What’s your favourite place to eat in Melbourne and your #1 dish recommendation?

I’m convinced I was a heavy weight in my past life, sometimes I train extra hard, just so I can eat a lot of food. So if I’ve gone hard on you in sparring, don’t take it personally, I was probably just hungry.

During an Absolute MMA staff retreat a zombie apocalypse breaks out. You get separated with 3 AMMA team members. Who would be part your dream team and why?

Oliver, because he’s tall and can see the zombies coming. Joe, because he’s got good humour and teeps. Lastly Lisa, because I already know she will be more of a savage than a zombie.

If you could go back in time to your first martial art class, what would be the advice you give to your past self?


“Kaan is either the most well-adjusted, soft-spoken and nicest professional fighter I’ve ever met or a serial killer. He also has some of the worst ears I’ve ever seen.” – Daniel Herbertson

“Ahh yea. Yea nah, yea. What a gun.”- Joe Boobyer

“Kaan is an absolute machine.”- Lisa Kyriacou

“Kaan is awesome, within a matter of weeks of joining the team, it seemed like he was a long time member. He’s got a great work ethic and he’s become a good friend to everyone he’s worked around, and is always ready for a chat and coffee when needed. Kaan is an awesome addition to the team, he brings so much experience to the table, as well as an easy going welcoming presence that makes the gym better!”- Amit Narayan

“Ever wondered what good posture is? Then look no further than Kaan’s perfectly straight back. A great coach and friend, it’s been awesome having you around the gym and I can’t wait to see you throw down on the 29th of March!”- Oliver Smith

“Kaan looks like a human sized chicken nugget.”- Richard Lattemagi

“Kaan looks like a scary bloke from the outside, but he’s all cheerful and lively when you meet him. He’s a dedicated athlete with slick technique and a fair bit of experience to back it up. He also hits like a truck. I reckon he’s going to put the Australian featherweight division on notice, so keep an eye out for him.”- Elliott Glenister 

FIGHT/COMPETITION RESULTS (01/03/2019 – 03/03/2019)

It was the Absolute MMA striking team’s time to shine this weekend with four of our Muay Thai team stepping into the ring at Roots 10: Sun Is Shining on Saturday (02/03/2019) and six of our Boxing team competing in a inter-club competition at Ultimate Muay Thai on Sunday (03/03/2019). Our Absolute MMA Thailand team had two Muay Thai bouts in the works, with Phillip Engeroff’s rematch against Chanajon PK Saenchai  on Thai Fight, and fighter Nissanth set to appear at Bangla Stadium. In colder parts of the world, Jake “The Honey Bear” Heun flew to Siberia, Russia to fight on Sunday in a bout on RIZIN.

It was a hot weekend for Melbourne, with temperatures hitting 36°C at Roots 10: Sun Is Shining, but the community was nonetheless excited for Roots/Rebellion with the promotion moving for the first time to its new location at The Timber Yard in Port Melbourne. The Absolute MMA team was out in force to support our four Muay Thai fighters appearing on the card at Roots, Andre Nguyen, Georgia Verry, Fei Yen and Kyle Leung. Andre was up first for the team, in his debut at Roots against opponent Kiayl Bruce, and after a dominant first round, his fight was called off due to an unfortunate issue with the ring. We would like to wish all the best to Andre as he recovers from a couple of very nasty burns on the soles of his feet.

Quickly reacting to the issue with the ring, the Rebellion Muay Thai team shifted the crowd and the fighters inside the hall, where the fights resumed. Georgia “The Blonde Bomber” Verry was up next for the team (54kg), in a memorable walkout to Britney Spears ‘Oops, I did it again’ to avid cheers from the crowd. Great to see Georgia really coming into herself as a fighter, looking super relaxed and calm entering the ring. The bell sounded, with Georgia wasting no time and engaging clinch to throw multiple, devastating knees into the stomach of her opponent. The referee separated the two at around the 30 second mark of round one, however Georgia stuck to her game plan, engaging in the clinch once again to pour on those vicious knees! The stoppage was soon called by the referee, and Georgia emerged victorious in the first round against her opponent Amy Chan. Huge congratulations to Georgia, who has put in consistent training and hard work during her fight camp on a well-deserved win! We cannot wait to see what the rest of the year brings for you!

Up next for the team was Fei Yen in a 65kg bout (3 x 2 minute rounds) against opponent Justin Berberick. Coming out strong and showing great aggression, Fei wasted no time in his first round, throwing a barrage of devastating combinations and using his reach to great effect! Pushing back Berberick with a powerful right cross, Fei dropped his opponent by following up with a vicious right kick to the body. Two wins for the team, both by stoppage AND in the first round! Amazing work by Fei who has clearly improved from his last fight, taking on the lessons learned to reach a new level. Congratulations!

Finishing up for the team at Roots was Kyle Leung on fight number 11 of the card, in a 67kg bout (3 x 2 minute rounds) against opponent Ryan Shepherd. Consistently returning kicks with perfect timing, Kyle continued to give back as good as he got, landing well-timed combinations against a strong opponent. With this fight going the full three rounds, Kyle came just short in the decision. Despite the loss, nothing but respect for Kyle for getting through some hard rounds and giving back. Great to see Kyle continuing to challenge himself as a martial artist, and he is sure to gain from the experience! Well done Kyle!

We would like to extend a special thank you to Coach Laos Toohey, Albert Xavier and David Lescai for cornering the team and putting in the effort to help out our fighters at Roots. We always say it, but we are lucky to have the community that we do, and could not be more grateful for your support. Thank you to all our members who came down to support the fight team!

Not content with just the local scene, the Absolute MMA Muay Thai team had two fighters from Absolute MMA Thailand also go to war in the ring! German fighter Phillip Engeroff was first up for the team in a 74kg rematch (Kard Chuek/Rope Wrapping style) against opponent Chanajon PK Saenchai on Thai Fight. Engeroff put up a solid fight until the second round, getting caught by his opponents right hand after attempting to counter by catching a right kick. Despite sustaining a loss, we would like to congratulate Phillip on getting in there, nothing but respect for taking the rematch and plenty to take into your next bout. Looking forward to seeing you come back stronger for the experience! You can view highlights from Phillip’s bout here.

We’re happy to report that our Norwegian Muay Thai Fighter Nissanth Karunanithy took away a win at Bangla Stadium in his second professional fight via fourth round KO! After a closely fought match, Nissanth came to life in the 4th round after being cut, finishing his opponent with elbows. Having taken this fight on just three days notice, stepping in for his teammate, this was a great display of heart for Nissanth and we’d like to congratulate him on a well-deserved win! Well done Nissanth!

In Siberia, Russia, the newest member of our professional team Jake “The Honey Bear” Heun was set to fight in a bout on RIZIN against opponent Vitaly Shemetov. Up against a strong opponent in Shemetov, who has been undefeated since 2010, Jake showed great heart and fought without a corner. Despite his loss via submission, we’d like to commend Jake on his dedication to the fight game, all the work he put in his fight camp with Coach Laos Toohey and Joe Boobyer, how far he travelled and for putting in all on the line on the mat! Can’t wait to see what the rest of the year holds for Jake and we’re proud to have him on board with us.

Congratulations to all of our Boxing team who competed on Sunday! All of you performed really well, and showed good technical improvements. It was a busy day with six of our team leaving it all in the ring, shout out to Aneira, who fought twice and displayed great skill. We look forward to seeing you all move into the amateur level next! Well done!

Photography: W L Fight Photography, David Lescai, Absolute MMA Thailand and Pradeep Singh.

Written by Emilie Yap. 


We have many amazing people with interesting stories that walk into all our gyms! This member spotlight turns to Sovann Benoit, an aspiring Mixed Martial Arts fighter from France. Training primarily out of our Absolute MMA Collingwood location and fresh off his last bout on Path to Hex 8, Sovann has been involved in martial arts since the age of 11, and is known for his love of spinning moves. Read on to find out more about Sovann!

Occupation: Hotel Salesperson/Broke Backpacker

Martial Arts/Sports: Mixed Martial Arts

How did you get into the sport?

My father was a high level kung-fu fighter in France, so he introduced me into pad work pretty early around the age of 11/12.

What are your immediate training goals?

Don’t lose my next fight by RNC.

What are your goals for the next five years?

Still be able to fight in Australia, or in Thailand, as a professional fighter. I want to stay focused on my ground work until my visa runs out, then I’ll go to train in absolute MMA Phuket in June, and then go to Montreal in Canada to train for a couple of years, and enjoy my working holiday visa there, and then probably come back in Melbourne to see how’s everything is going at Absolute. My final plan is to have Melbourne as a home.

Why do you love training at Absolute MMA?

Because everyone is so sexy (especially Oli).

Favourite workout/walkout song?

Here comes the boom.

Nicknames & Fight Names?

I don’t really have any official nickname, I think I recently well earned Sovann “Hand Spinner” Benoit.

What do you like to do to relax besides training?

Sleeping, and eating. I’m really good at it. And not watching my weight. That’s my new hobby.

Can you tell us about where you’re from and any interesting stories growing up? If you’re not originally from Melbourne, how’d you end up living in Melbourne, Australia?

I’m from Lille, in north of France just next to Belgium. I used to be bullied when I was younger (get your tissues), until I signed up in a boxing gym when I was 14 years old. My boxing was (or is?) still pretty crappy, but good enough to throw good combinations. I earned a lot of self confidence and I was not bullied anymore, mission accomplished!

I ended up here, because as soon as I started to plan my trip to Australia, I knew I was going to try to find a way to stay. Melbourne was ranked first liveable city in the world, so I wanted to check it out. Absolute MMA is also one of the reasons why I came here, because I wanted to be able to train properly in Melbourne, so I just googled  “best MMA gym Melbourne” and here I am!

Who are the kind of people that you look up to and why?

People who are able to bash me up, but who don’t (haha) except at Friday night’s sparring class! It’s good to be surrounded by humble, high level athletes, who are always happy to give you a tip and help you to get better. That’s also why Absolute MMA is probably the best place I’ve been training.

What’s your favourite place to eat in Melbourne and your #1 dish recommendation?

There’s so many! Probably the salmon tacos at Mr Miyagi!

If you could go back in time to your first martial art class, what would be the advice you give to your past self?

Stop skipping the judo class, because you’ll meet Kevin in a few years and he’s going to throw you all over the mat ! (Well, I obviously did skip it…)

“You know you’re at Absolute MMA when you hear Sovann yell ‘Hey Sexxyyy’.”- Luke Spaggs

“Way nicer than what he looks like. A lot of potential. If he learns how to defend a RNC and stop throwing some spinning back fist, Sovann can become a really good fighter!!”- Kevin Jousset

“Sovann is so, so sexy and has a tiny baby elephant pin.”- Lisa Kyriacou

“It’s been great having Sovann and his ridiculous blonde hair join the team at Absolute. It’s been really good for the confidence of every white belt jiu-jitsu student who gets to take his back and choke him over and over again. But seriously, it’s great to have his positive attitude and enthusiasm around the gym.”- Oliver Smith 

“Sovaan is a friggin weirdo. I don’t know where we got him from but I’m glad we did. And I don’t care what anyone says, we love a good Shorty ♥️“- Marisa Amaya

Photography: WL Fight Photography


Nick “Milky” Metcalfe is a certified yoga teacher, completing his Vinyasa and Yin Training with Warrior One in 2018. Through injuries, and time off the mat Nick discovered the practice of yoga in 2015.  Yoga gave him the tools to better his mind and body connection, whilst also improving his martial arts practice. This upfront yogi is a purple belt in Brazilian Jiu-Jitsu, but also has experience in wrestling, kickboxing and MMA. He’s known for his long limbs, sneaky triangles and an extreme love of his dog, Trey. Read on to find out more about Nick!

What would you consider your greatest achievements in Martial Arts?

Getting my white belt, it was the exact point where my life changed forever.

What made you start Martial Arts?

My best mate was going to PUMMA on the Gold Coast to try out an MMA class, he called me on his way and said, “do you want to tag along?”. I always had an interest but was hooked instantly.

How did you first get involved with Absolute MMA? (What industry were you in prior to Martial Arts? What made you change?)

When I moved from the Gold Coast to Melbourne, a heap of my old training mates told me to train at Absolute with Thiago. I got a job across the road from the CBD gym in my 2nd week of living here, walked in the door and signed up about 4 years ago. I’ve now done my studies to be a yoga teacher and have the opportunity to work with martial artists.

Favourite workout/walkout song?

Kendrick – M.A.A.D City.

Mantra/Quote to live by?

It is what it is as it is.

Tell us about your life growing up, what is your favourite memory from when you were younger?

Growing up the Gold Coast was pretty much beach every day. I grew up in quite a young family, so hanging out with my grandparents and great-grandparents was awesome.

Where do you see yourself in 5 years?

Hopefully teaching yoga full time, out of the corporate world, get my black belt.

Who is an inspiration to you, and why?

I take inspiration from some of the people closest to me the ones that need a mention Aaron S., Thiago S., Dustin B. & Jebba, they’ve been a significant part of my journey to now.

If you could only eat one thing for the rest of your life, what would it be?

Ice cream.

Tell us a fun fact about yourself!

I have an irrational fear of heights and spiders.

Can you tell us about where you’re from and any interesting stories growing up? If you’re not originally from Melbourne, how’d you end up living in Melbourne, Australia?

Born in NSW, grew up in QLD, now in VIC. Clare got a job down here, so the amazing partner I am, I decided to come down with her.

What were some funny/interesting/weird hobbies you had when you were a teenager?

I have all the original Pokemon card set, going to retire on that one day.

Who are the kind of people that you look up to and why?

People who like to share their story and are dedicated to whatever path they’re on.

Do you have a “useless” talent that makes people smile every time you use it?

I can make an epic playlist.

When was the last time you did something new for the first time and what was it?

I went rock climbing for the first time recently, turns out I’m still afraid of heights.

What’s your favourite place to eat in Melbourne and your #1 dish recommendation?

Belle’s – get the chicken sandwich with fries.

What’s your favourite music genre and musicians? Why do you enjoy their music?

Favourite musician is Nick Cave. His music has been the soundtrack to my life.

What movie have you seen over 5 times?

Pulp Fiction.

Is there a book you’ve read that has influenced your outlook on life or the way you approach certain situations or people?

I have a few, Scar Tissue, Roots of Yoga, Book of Five Rings, Can’t Hurt Me.

If you could go back in time to your first martial art class, what would be the advice you give to your past self?

Turn up on time, listen to your coach, drink more water, eat all the calories, have fun, don’t quit, it is what it is as it is, Namaste.

During an Absolute MMA staff retreat, a zombie apocalypse breaks out. You get separated with 3 AMMA team members. Who would be part of your dream team and why?

Amit, we need someone who is clean and sensible. Apryl, she is a killer and is the nice one. George, he will keep all us idiots in line.

“Nick is a great guy, always friendly, always calm and is always keen to roll. We are very lucky to have him at Absolute MMA.”- Sean Le Gourrierec

“BJJer, yogi, ginger man. So creative on the mats and a funny one outside them. A brother life has brought from Queensland to us.” – Thiago Stefanutti

“Nick is a simple human being, loves his dog Trey, loves a solid comp class session and teaching us all how to chill out to the max with Yoga.” – Apryl Eppinger

“Long-limbed, red-haired, stretchy, negative-reinforcement-happy (;P) crazy person. He’s alright I guess.” – Natalie Hobbs

“I remember first meeting Nick on the mat when he first came to Absolute and thinking that despite it being one of his first times in the gym, it seemed like he’d been there for years. He’s welcoming to everyone on the mat, helpful to everyone and always quick to make sure everyone feels just as much at home at Absolute as he does. He’s also the guy that I’ll see doing every coaches class, across all of the locations and is known across the whole Absolute family. Hilarious, ridiculously flexible, and the strongest moustache in the game. He made sure to support my classes when I first came on board as a coach for the gym and he’s always there supporting everyone in the pursuits within the gym or outside of. He’s made Absolute his home since day one, and I couldn’t imagine the gym without him!”- Amit Narayan

“Nick’s Friday morning yoga class is the best way to round off a week of training. With his knowledge of yoga and martial arts, he mixes the traditional yin practice with simple self-massage to help release muscle tension and support your body to recover. Then you’re ready to train on Saturday again 😉” – Linnea Waestberg

“Nick is a great no bullshit yogi. He loves an unorthodox move, and is partial to a bit of shit talking in the middle of rolling. I have a lot of time for Nick, I’d have to say he’s one of my top 5 gingers.” – Tim Baker 

“Nick is fun, creative, open-minded and loves the banter! He has a lot of patience and will always give his time to help others! Namaste Nick!” – Clare Fisher

“Nick is such a great person to train with, always willing to help and throwing jokes while smashing you. Thanks!” – Juliette Brillet

“Milky always has some good stuff to talk about. He is incredibly positive and never short of words of encouragement. He changed his life for the better with his yoga, and I’m really pleased to see the smile on his face every time I see him. He has a nice moustache.”- James Walters

FIGHT/COMPETITION RESULTS (22/02/2019 – 24/02/2019)

It was a big day on Saturday last weekend (23/02/2019) for our Absolute MMA grappling team with both Grapplefest 4 in Liverpool, England and the UAEJJF National Pro Jiu-Jitsu Championship in Sydney, Australia.

Internationally at Grapplefest we had a team of three competing with Craig Jones on as the main event, Lachlan Giles on the co-main and Izaak Michell (visiting from Arruda BJJ) on the main card. Izaak was first up against opponent Nathan Dunne (Next Gen) in an U70kg bout, looking super cool, calm and collected on the mat. Izaak avoided all submission attempts, and after displaying good top pressure and positional control, secured a win via heel-hook! Congratulations Izaak!

The co-main event saw Coach Lachlan Giles up against Braulo Estima black belt Bradley Hill in an U80kg bout. Lachlan found himself in trouble initially with Hill landing a rolling take down, but recovered, stringing together a series of attacks which resulted in another win via submission with an unorthodox inside heel-hook just ahead of the five minute mark. Job well done Lachlan!

In an exciting match up against 2 x IBJJF Gi World Champion Gabriel Arges, Craig Jones‘ U90kg bout rolled around on the main card and it was time to throw down! Craig kicked off the match with a slower than normal start for him, having just coached teammates Izaak and Lachlan in their bouts. Arges was first to pull guard, with Craig displaying his strong top game, passing the guard to mount. The clash continued with Craig throwing a number of leg attacks at Arges which were defended successfully, but once Craig took the back around the 10 minute mark, he wasted no time in sinking in a RNC to finish the match. Great result for Craig and the team with 3 wins via submission!

On the local scene in Sydney, the UAEJJF National Pro Jiu-Jitsu Championship saw our Brazilian Jiu-Jitsu team go to work! Well done to everyone who competed and earned their medals on the day. Results from the team were as follows:

GIRLS GI / TEEN / 63KG / ORANGE/GREEN – Nacinta Tuuholoaki (Gold)

MALE GI / BLUE / ADULT / 85KG – Clay Lyne (Bronze)

MALE GI / BLUE / ADULT / 110KG – Luis Gabriel Contreras Olave (Gold)

MALE GI / PURPLE / ADULT / 69KG – Journ Tang (Silver)

MALE GI / PURPLE / ADULT / 77KG – Vincent Rogato (Bronze)

MALE GI / PURPLE / MASTER 1 / 94KG – George Miller (Gold)

FEMALE GI / BROWN / BLACK / ADULT / 90KG – Shantelle Thompson (Silver)

MALE NOGI / BLUE / ADULT / 108KG – Luis Gabriel Contreras Olave (Gold)

MALE NOGI / PURPLE / MASTER 1 / 83KG – George Miller (Gold)

Special mention to Clay Lyne who fought his way through his first interstate competition and through four matches (3 wins-1 loss) to receive Bronze in the gi (blue belt) and Vince Rogato who competed in the gi, winning one and losing one to eventually fight for the bronze and secure it in his third match via submission. Luis Gabriel Contreras Olave and George Miller stormed through multiple divisions to both claim double Gold, with George getting bumped up to the 94kg division as there was no opponents in the 83kg division. Amazing results, congratulations team!


Written by Emilie Yap. Photos: Foto Rolls Photography, George Miller and Lachlan Giles. 


When we found out that UFC 234 was going to be held in Melbourne at Rod Laver Arena on February 10th, 2019, we were more excited than anyone. The main event was intended to be a UFC Middleweight Championship bout between current champion and fellow Australian Robert Whittaker and The Ultimate Fighter: Team Jones vs. Team Sonnen middleweight winner Kelvin Gastelum, however, Rob was forced to pull out of his bout the day prior due to a hernia, and a twisted and collapsed bowel that forced him to undergo emergency surgery. On behalf of all of us at Absolute MMA we would like to wish Rob a speedy recovery and we look forward to supporting the Australian champion when he can return to the cage!

Given the cancellation of the intended main event, the three-round co-main event between New Zealand native Israel Adesanya (City Kickboxing) and former champion Anderson Silva was set to headline the promotion. During the weeks leading up to UFC 234 we were lucky enough to have many of the UFC fighters, media and staff visit us to train at our facilities.

The City Kickboxing crew came down to train in full force, with Israel Adesanya, Kai Kara-France and Shane Young along with their Coach Eugene Bareman in the house on multiple occasions. It was amazing having the team train with us during the fight week, and you are all always welcome to come down again when visiting from New Zealand! Congratulations to all of you on your wins – an incredible 3 for 3 at UFC 234 for the crew! These results are a testament to how hard you and your crew work and it was great seeing you in action in the octagon. Check out “UFC 234 Embedded: Vlog series – Episode 5” which was partially filmed at our Melbourne CBD location here.

Popular UFC Featherweight Teruto Ishihara was another UFC athlete we were happy to welcome to our CBD facility during the week leading up to UFC 234. It was a pleasure to watch Teruto and his team go through the finishing touches for his fight. Although you did not get the result you were looking for on the day, we were cheering for you the whole way and we look forward to having your positive energy back in the gym next time you’re in Melbourne.

Image may contain: 3 people, people smiling, people standing

Wednesday 6th of February was an exciting day for the staff of Absolute MMA Collingwood! The gym filled with media staff, camera crews and reporters ready to take in the action of the UFC 234 media day. First up to workout was Jimmy Crute who wowed the cameras with his dynamic striking and powerful take downs. Jimmy looked as strong as ever when moving around our cage in Collingwood, and his TKO victory at UFC 234 showed just how at home he has become on the big stage.

Robert Whittaker was next to enter the Collingwood cage and impress the reporters with his slick footwork and fast hands. After showcasing his striking prowess he changed gears and rolled with Absolute’s own Craig Jones in a demonstration-type roll, in which staff of the gym were all too happy to see the Champ throw Craig on his head. The grappling was friendly and crowd-pleasing, as were Robert’s answers during the media scrum. We’re looking forward to having both Jimmy and Robert back in the gym next time the UFC are in town.

It was an exciting week for the team at Absolute MMA and we appreciate the attention and efforts of all UFC fighters, coaches and staff who took the time to come in and train with or visit us at Absolute MMA – including Dana White himself who dropped in and said hello at our Melbourne CBD location. We look forward to watching the continued success of all the fighters who call Absolute home while they’re in Melbourne, and cannot wait to see you all back in the gym next!

Written by Emilie Yap and Oliver Smith. Photography: Jasmin Frank Fight Photography, Lukaz “The Lycan” Catubig

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