Coach Oliver “Oli” Smith started Brazilian Jiu-Jitsu in 2012, and currently holds a purple belt. He’s our resident big, friendly giant (although maybe not if you’re rolling with him) and helps keep Absolute MMA Collingwood in tip-top shape! He is active in the BJJ competition scene and has placed in almost every competition he has entered, including a silver at the UAEJJF International Open as a blue belt. Read on to find out about Oli!

What would you consider your greatest achievements in Martial Arts?

Silver at the UAEJJF Melb International Pro (Blue Belt).

What made you start Martial Arts?

My father practised karate when I was young, and I always wanted to go with him. Finally when I was about 11, he let me!

How did you first get involved with Absolute MMA? (What industry were you in prior to Martial Arts? What made you change?)

I broke my foot practising karate, and as soon as it healed I wanted to go back to back a non-striking form to give my foot a break. That’s when I found BJJ!

I managed a backpackers in Melbourne for a number of years. This really tested and improved my communication skills, which directly translated to being able to help explain things while helping out with the white belt classes. I pursued teaching because of the reward of seeing someone improve and grow in confidence. It also helps me better understand the details and intricacies of techniques.  

Favourite workout/walkout song?

Wolf Like Me – TV On The Radio

Tell us about your life growing up, what is your favourite memory from when you were younger?

Had a great, very outdoorsy childhood with my father and 2 younger brothers and our friends. Lots of hiking, camping, rock climbing, whitewater kayaking, etc.

Where do you see yourself in 5 years?

Now that I’m mostly recovered from a knee injury, I’m looking forward to competing as much as possible, and representing the team as much as I can!

Who is an inspiration to you, and why?

Josh Waitzkin – He’s the dude that the book & movie ‘Searching for Bobby Fischer’ was based on – about a young chess prodigy. After chess he went on to become a ‘push hands’ world champion (combative tai chi) and then later moved on to BJJ and received his black belt from Marcelo Garcia. He’s a fantastic thinker, and does a great job at breaking down his process for learning a new discipline in a book called ‘The Art of Learning’.

If you weren’t working in the Martial Arts industry, what would you be doing?

Eating pizza. Or be working as an osteopath. I was actually accepted into the course, but deferred to take training/teaching more seriously.

If you were going to be an animal, what would you be and why?

Maybe a chimpanzee, or an orangutan… imagine a monkey that could grapple!

What is your favourite travel destination? Why?

Thailand so far. I’ve had great experiences training and competing there, and I love that you can hire a scooter and be mobile straight away.

Tell us a fun fact about yourself!

I once had a grappling match against Amir Aliakbari, former Iranian heavyweight Greco-Roman champion (who was stripped of his medal for doping) – it didn’t go well.

Besides martial arts, what else are you passionate about and why?

I have a weird obsession with bonsai plants at the moment.

Who are the kind of people that you look up to and why?

People who manage to study/work AND compete at a high level. Like Lachlan Giles! How the hell did he become a doctor of physiotherapy, train, compete and teach? All to an exceptionally high level?!

Do you have a “useless” talent that makes people smile every time you use it?

I can wiggle my nostrils. When i was young I thought I was the only one who could do it, but as I told more and more people, I realised it’s really not that hard 🙁

Have you ever worked a job not in the fitness/martial arts industry? What were the highlights and lessons you learned?

I managed a backpackers in Melbourne for around 5 years. I had a great time and I feel like I graduated my with my PHD in hand signals and guessing what people who speak English as a second language are trying to say. It really stepped up my communication skills, and also made me realise that it’s still possible to get an accurate sense of someone’s personality without speaking their same language. Even if you don’t share the same language, with a little bit of patience and curiosity it’s possible to communicate almost anything.

What’s your favourite place to eat in Melbourne and your #1 dish recommendation?

I love Don Dons on the corner of Swanston and Little Lonsdale. $6.90 for a chicken curry and it’s ready before you put your change back in your pocket – what’s not to like?!

Is there a book you’ve read that has influenced your outlook on life or the way you approach certain situations or people?

It’s a cliche, but reading ‘The Book of Five Rings’ by Miyamoto Musashi can feel like you’re getting ancient wisdom downloaded into your brain if you read it at the right time. Also ‘The Art of Learning’ by Josh Waitzkin is an amazing look at the obsessive life led by a young boy on his way to becoming a chess master and the lessons he learned.
Lastly, ‘The Border Trilogy’ by Cormack McCarthy. It’s beautifully written, but it’s a very sad story about a boy, his brother, their horses and their relationship with nature and life. (Just read it!)

If you could go back in time to your first martial art class, what would be the advice you give to your past self?

Chill Winston.

During a Absolute MMA staff retreat a zombie apocalypse breaks out. You get separated with 3 AMMA team members. Who would be part your dream team and why?

Sean Le Gourrierec because he’d bring the best supplies and most enthusiasm to the situation. Emilie Yap because when we do survive, someone’s going to have to organise the world… Aaaand I’d use Thiago Steffanutti’s massive head to block the door of our bunker while we escape out the back.

“Mr Oli ‘Fantastic’ Smith super cool and super chill. Will entangle you with skills, detailed knowledge and darn friendly smile.”- Apryl Eppinger

“I remember the first day I met Oli, it was before a jiu-jitsu class and I was like, wanna have a warm up roll? He then proceeded to throw me around like a rag doll.. And he hasn’t stopped since. Lucky he is my friend now.
You won’t get a more thoughtful and genuine person than Oli. He will do anything for you and has a heart of gold, and regardless of what he has going on, is always willing to put others first. He’s pretty lanky though, so there’s always that.” – James Walters

“Olli has a way of making you feel very special when you talk to him and very humble when you roll with him. His chokes are the real deal.”- Sean Le Gourrierec

“I guess he’s pretty good, I heard he was a white belt for bloody ages though.”- Matt D’Arcy

“I hope one day they invent a 4-meter long expert jiu-jitsu robot and have it attack Oliver. That will be the day Oliver realises how fucking annoying he is to roll with. Great friend though.”- Richard Lattemagi

“Oli is one of those genuinely friendly individuals who radiate positive vibes, and lift the spirits of whoever they are around. He also has the ability to literally lift you straight off the ground. He’s a great coach, explains technique clearly and is unbelievably patient with all his students. Thanks for getting all the things I can’t reach at the gym and looking out for the little people Oli, your heart is as large as you are tall!” – Emilie Yap

“Oliver is a gentle beast. A gentleman outside the mat and a monster inside of it. My face is frequently punched by him during our grappling sessions but I still like him anyway.” – Thiago Stefanutti 


Brazilian Jiu-Jitsu (Blue Belts) Quintet Charity Event for Mental Health

On the 30th of September, 2018, four groups of blue belts from various academies came together to compete in a quintet tournament with the intention to raise funds for mental health. Grappling for the greater good! Organised by Jiu Jitsu team league, and held at Absolute MMA St Kilda, “The No ACL’s Club”, “Darceacondas”, “The Oilcheckers” and the “Vince Vaugh Flue Choke” faced off in a vastly entertaining series of bouts.

Mike Hye served up a delicious Armenian BBQ on the day and Hannah Gorman worked her creative magic, taking some great photographs of our competitors and spectators. Well done to Nick Hayden on a well organised event for a great cause, to Lachlan Giles as referee for the day, Jamie Selby Pham for scorekeeping and Megan Louise for gatekeeping.

Happy to note that over $1500 was raised for a worthwhile cause! Congratulations to “The No ACL’s Club” for taking out the win! Thank you to all our competitors and everyone who came down and supported on the day.


A very warm welcome to our newest coach on the Absolute MMA Thailand team- Jason Saggo! Jason will be coaching Mixed Martial Arts and Brazilian Jiu-Jitsu at our gym in Rawai, Phuket.

Jason has lived and trained in Thailand previously, and has studied under former champions of Ratchadamnoen and Lumpini stadium. He has competed professionally in Muay Thai (winning the Phuket championship belt via KO), MMA (debuting in 2009) and Brazilian Jiu Jitsu (winning Gold in the Pan Asian International Grappling Tournament after submitting 10 opponents). Jason has trained under the tutelage of the Gracie family in Brazil and his main coach is Paul Abel, a black belt under Royler Gracie. He is passionate about hiking and the sustainability of the natural world.

After amassing a record of 9-1 during his MMA career (all wins coming via submission), Jason was invited to compete in the Ultimate Fighting Championship (UFC) in 2014. He is a global student of martial arts and has trained in Japan with Genki Sudo (Judo and MMA), in Hawaii with BJ Penn (MMA). Jason is also a practitioner of Ashtanga Yoga and a certified yoga teacher, and founded his own academy (Summerside Martial Arts Academy) this year in 2018.

Jason begins working with us at Absolute MMA Thailand on December 1st, 2018. Welcome aboard Jason!



We have many amazing people with interesting stories that walk into all our gyms! The member spotlight turns to Dushan Wanniarachchige, key member of Coach Pradeep Singh’s Melbourne CBD boxing team and one of our most dedicated members in the gym! Read on to find out more about Dushan!

Martial Arts/Sports: Boxing

How did you get into the sport?

When I first joined the gym, I tried a little bit of everything, but it was Pradeep’s boxing classes that really got me hooked. I discovered that boxing is like chess, where intelligence and tactical skill is more important than physical power.

What are your immediate training goals?

I just want to keep learning how to box and progress further in my development. I would like to do well in Victoria’s bantamweight division and gain a lot of amateur boxing experience.

What are your goals for the next five years?

I’d like to win some state and national titles. I would also like to teach boxing one day.

Why do you love training at Absolute MMA?

I like training at Absolute MMA because I get to train with my friends and watch them do well in their competitions. I really like how the gym encourages a safe and positive environment, where the coaches are always looking out for their students.

What is your favourite move?

I like to slip my orthodox opponent’s jab and counter with an overhand right on their jaw. If my opponent is a southpaw, I like to deliver a straight right hand through their guard.

Favourite workout/walkout song?

I like to move around to Afro-Cuban music. I really like the Cuban boxing style, I feel as if there is a rhythmical connection between boxing and music. The 2002 single titled “Hello World” by The Saddle Club is a banger though.

Nicknames & Fight Names?

If you take a close look at my boxing gloves, you’ll see embroidered text that says “Son of Lanka”, which is the English translation of my middle name Lankaputhra. I might use this as a ring name one day.

Can you tell us about where you’re from and any interesting stories growing up? If you’re not originally from Melbourne, how’d you end up living in Melbourne, Australia?

I was born in Sri Lanka and migrated to Australia with my parents when I was 7 months old. I grew up in Coburg and have called Melbourne home for 26 years.

Who are the kind of people that you look up to and why?

I look up to people who do the right thing. I’m greatly inspired by people who are generous and look out for their fellow human beings. The world really needs more good people.

What’s your favourite place to eat in Melbourne and your #1 dish recommendation?

My favourite place to eat is Fried and Tasty in Brunswick East. I would recommend the Hot Wings and Poutine.

If you could go back in time to your first martial art class, what would be the advice you give to your past self?

Trust the process and don’t rush the process.

“Dushan is one of the most dedicated boxers in the boxing team – always showing up for training and always putting in the hard work. Can’t wait to see him back in the ring soon again!” – Linnea Victoria, teammate

“I would say, as a coach, Dushan is one of the most important boxers in class and to the Boxing team. He is very technical and always willing to help his fellow boxers. Even if you are a beginner, he always helps. He is a very gentle and always makes everyone feel welcome! If he keeps training like he has, he has the potential to go a long way.” – Pradeep Singh, Coach

“Dushan has been very consistent with his training, is very optimistic and has shown amazing resilience through all the obstacles he has had to face through the beginning of his amateur career- which is admirable. He’s an awesome partner at training, he trains hard, pushes you and makes you smile too. I always see him giving his best.” – Antonia Kay, teammate


Coach Bradley Wiedenhofer received his Brazilian Jiu-Jitsu brown belt in 2017 and is active both locally and internationally on the competition scene. He is a Pan Pacific gold medalist with a heart to match, read on to find out more about Brad!

How did you first get involved with Absolute MMA?

I was training in South Australia, once I moved to Melbourne I asked my coach where I should train and he said “You should train at Absolute MMA”. He knew about their reputation and the quality of the coaches and teachers.

Tell us about your life growing up!

Played a fair few sports, but was never really good at any of them. I wasn’t as excited about any of them, and none of them pushed me as much as Brazilian Jiu-Jitsu. When I found BJJ I wanted to push myself and try to learn as much as I could, I’ve never looked back.

Where do you see yourself in 5 years?

I would like to medal at the ADCC qualifiers, but I also hope to have my black belt in the next five years.

If you were going to be an animal, what would you be and why?

A wolf, because they are a pack animal and work together.

Besides martial arts, what else are you passionate about and why?

Music. I go see bands and live performances a lot and am passionate about music and how it can pick you up or push you forward. I like the way your mood changes according to what you are listening to.

Who are the kind of people that you look up to and why?

I like humble people and those who are happy to share their knowledge and wisdom with you to help you grow and become better.

When was the last time you did something new for the first time and what was it?

After damaging my knee, I did a couple boxing classes to mix things up and keep myself active. I wasn’t very good but was a great experience.

Have you done other sports besides martial art?

I played soccer, baseball, basketball and volleyball when I was growing up. I also played cricket for a very short time, but I was terrible at it. I think spent more time on the bench with cricket than being on the pitch.

Have you ever worked a job not in the fitness/martial arts industry? What were the highlights and lessons you learned?

I work a full time job as well as teaching at Absolute MMA. I have worked in factories and in retail and have learnt to treat people how you would like to be treated. It doesn’t always turn out that way, but I find it is a good rule to live by.

What movie have you seen over 5 times?

I am a big fan of movies and have watched many over five times! I would have to say two of the best would be “Warrior” with Tom Hardy and Joel Edgartown and also “The Raid 2” with Iko Uwais. Amazing movies.

If you could go back in time to your first martial art class, what would be the advice you give to your past self?

Take your time, it’s not a race and you only have your belt once. Travel and train every where you can. Meet people from the sport and make as many friends as you can. And take care of your body and injuries.

During a Absolute MMA staff retreat a zombie apocalypse breaks out. You get separated with 3 AMMA team members. Who would be part your dream team and why?

Hahaha! I couldn’t say three! I have such an amazing team at Absolute MMA so there would be way more then three in my dream team. We have so many amazing people across all of our gyms. I don’t think it would be a dream team, more like a dream squad full of absolute warriors and savages!

“Bradley is hands down one of the nicest people I have ever met in my entire life. I would really just like to grow up to be as good a human as he is. I often ask Brad if he could sit on my shoulder all day and be my personal motivator, as his positive outlook on life and his approach to BJJ and training is really something to be admired. I feel like I would achieve a lot more in my day, if he just whispered sweet motivating nothings into my ear every 5 minutes. He is a massive asset to the club, an amazing coach and a great friend.

Brad’s only downfall is that he sometimes calls me SIR. Instead of MA’AM. Which he deserves to be choked for, really!” – Livia Gluchowska

“Brad is the nicest person you will ever meet, you would never guess how lethal his jiu-jitsu is.” – Lachlan Giles

“Brad will slap hands and say “good training sir”, then proceed to give you an absolute beat down, and after shake hands and say “that was a pleasure sir, you are an absolute beast.”” – James Walters

Public Holiday 28/09/2018


Please note there will be no classes at any Absolute location and the gyms will not be open as normal. Opening hours will be as follows:

Melbourne CBD – The gym will be open from 10.00am to 11.30am and a Brazilian Jiu-Jitsu All Levels class will be running during this time.

St Kilda – Open Mat from 10.00am to 12.00pm.

Collingwood – The gym will be open from 5.45PM to 7.45PM and the regular sparring class will still be running.

We will be open and running as normal on Saturday (29/09/2018).

WEEKEND RESULTS (22/09/2018-23/09/2018)

It was a busy weekend for the Mixed Martial Arts team with two promotions on- Eternal MMA 37 in Perth and Path to Hex 6 in Melbourne. We had a total of 8 fighters from the MMA team out in force, it was amazing to see so many of you giving it your best in the cage! Our Brazilian Jiu-Jitsu competitors also stepped up at ADCC Melbourne, with over 10 from the team heading into the event to prove themselves. We also made movements internationally, with Shantelle Thompson from the Brazilian Jiu-Jitsu competition team competing at the UAE Jiu-Jitsu Federation Grand Slam in Los Angeles.

Six of our amateur MMA team were matched for Path to Hex 6, with Rebecca “The Punisher” Cerra kicking things off on fight number one of the card. Up against a more experienced opponent in Angelica Silva, Bec pulled through with a win by decision! Great defense by Bec, who defended multiple take down attempts. Congratulations on your result Bec, we look forward to seeing you back in the cage again soon.

Wayne Cornell was up next for the team on fight number 3 of the card, facing off against opponent Joseph Moore (Extreme MMA). Wayne got in some good shots in the first round, unfortunately also taking a big hit to the eye as well. This injury plagued him for the rest of the bout, and Wayne did well to get through the 3 rounds following, with the fight ending in a loss via decision. Congratulations on getting in there for your debut fight Wayne, you showed great spirit and we are proud to be a part of your MMA journey!

Fight six on the card rolled around, and Will Toumbos from the team was up against Andrew Iskander. Will showed good control in the first round, unfortunately copping a large uppercut in the second round, the bout eventuating in a loss via TKO for Will.

Marking the halfway point on the card was our southpaw Yvonne Chow, versing opponent Annie Thatcher. The fight went the full three rounds, with the bout ending in a loss for Yvonne. Plenty to work on and learn from going forward, good on you for getting back in there Yvonne! You’ll come back stronger for your experience.

Our fifth fighter for Path to Hex 6 Sovann Benoit was up against Colin Richardson (Pro Fitness MMA) in a middleweight clash! It was a great fight from Sovann, who unfortunately got his back taken and conceded the fight in a loss via RNC.

Coach Kevin Jousset was last but not least on the card for the team, up against Jayden Groen (Conquer Martial Arts) in an 80kg bout. Kevin was hugely dominant in the fight, taking away the win in the first round via TKO. What a machine! Kevin is set to fight again in five weeks time- watch this space!

Interstate in Perth, Lisa Kyriacou and Josh Grove from the MMA team went to war on Eternal MMA 37 which featured both amateur and professional bouts. Lisa was up first for the team on fight 11 of the amateur card, fresh off her win at the last Path to Hex. Up against opponent Courtney Martin. Lisa was given a tougher test this time to see where her skills were at. After doing well to survive in some tricky spots in the first round, she took a TKO loss early in the second round at 1.55. A good experience for her to go through early in her amateur career, she will be back in the gym with more direction and a better understanding of where she needs to be.

Josh Grove closed up the amateur card on fight 17 of the night, coming off two previous wins at Eternal MMA this year. This time he faced up against his toughest test in the home town favorite and highly regarded amateur Brodie Paino.

Josh got hit hard early in the first round and melted, doing extremely well to survive. The referee looked to stop the fight on multiple occasions, but Josh ran on autopilot, not quite sure where he was, his instincts helping him survive the bout. He made his way back to his feet, still on skates, and survived the first round. Josh spent the first 30 seconds of the second round still getting his wits back, and started to have some success on the feet working from the southpaw stance. He started to turn up the pressure and take over the fight. Second round was even, but it was clear Josh had the momentum behind him as the fight entered the third round.

3rd round, Josh wanted the fight and it was all Josh. His opponent was tiring and Josh continued the forward pressure, securing 4 take downs in the final round, delivering heavy ground and pound pressure. The Perth crowd were on their feet, and both boys came out of the bout with a huge amount of respect. Amazing performance from Josh in a bout that was awarded Fight of the Night. Despite sustaining a loss via split decision, Josh has proved himself as one of the best amateurs in Australia and is one to watch in the future. We look forward to seeing these two boys go again on the professional circuit in the years to come!

Other results from Eternal MMA 37 available here:

Sunday saw ADCC come to Melbourne to put on the ADCC Melbourne Open. Absolute MMA had numerous competitors enter and compete in what was a very successful day overall. Coach, and resident Sales Manager Richard “Lattemagic” managed to walk away with a bronze medal in his weight division utilizing his dangerous guard skills to unsettle his opponents. Other notable performances were Jason Gunawan coming away with gold, Daniel Ha with silver, and Rio Iskander securing bronze, all in their respective divisions. Congratulations to all the other competitors who got out there and gave it their all. As always we are very proud of anyone who puts it on the line and steps onto the mats to test themselves in competition!

Well done to coach James Walters winning the ADCC Melbourne Pro Absolute divison. After losing to the always game Jake Myers in his weight division – James regrouped and came out victorious in hard fought Absolute division matches. The Absolute final with Jake Myers was a particularly grueling match with James coming on top by points. Great effort James!

Come to our Absolute MMA Collingwood location and learn from James on Monday and Wednesday evenings, and Friday lunchtime with Richard. Our Collingwood timetable is available here:

Brazilian Jiu-Jitsu competition team member Shantelle Thompson flew to Los Angeles to compete at the UAE Jiu-Jitsu Federation Grand Slam on the weekend. Although improvements were made, it was a hard match for Shantelle which eventually led to a loss. However there’s always something you can take away, and Shantelle will be sure to take this valuable experience into her next competition! All the best for the next one and good on you for getting in there Shantelle!

Photos: Path to Hex, Lukas “The Lycan” Catubig, Eternal MMA, Shantelle Thompson and James Walters

Compiled by Sam Hibberd, Emilie Yap, Richard Lattemagi and James Walters.

WEEKEND RESULTS (15/09/2018-16/09/2018)

Our fight and competition team was busy internationally, locally and interstate this weekend with Coach Sam Hibberd going to war on Eternal MMA 36 on the Gold Coast, several of our grapplers with bouts on Grapplefest 2 in Liverpool (UK) and two of our Boxing team at home in Melbourne at the Reggio Calabria Club.

Saturday the 17th of September, Gold Coast – it was time for Eternal MMA 36, where our tough as nails Coach Sam Hibberd was set to step into the octagon for the headline fight of the night! Sam “Flubber” Hibberd was matched up against a tough opponent in Diego Pereira who went in as the crowd favorite. We’re proud to note that Sam displayed strong striking and take down skills throughout, managing to out wrestle his opponent and dominate many of the exchanges on the feet (in fine flair as always!).

After an even first round, the second round saw Sam get controlled in the octagon and unable to impose his game. The third round was clearly dominated by Sam, however the match eventuated in a loss via split decision with the judges citing the second round in favor of Sam’s opponent on points.

A very impressive and tough fought out fight by Sam, and he will continue to learn and grow in and out of the ring as Sam always does. He will be back before we know it, and will be back in coaching at our Collingwood location this week!

Check out the other results from the card here:

Grapplefest 2 by Figure 4 Promotions in Liverpool, England saw three of our high-level grapplers compete- Craig Jones, Ben Hodgkinson and Tom Everett. This was a huge grappling event, with 25+ no-gi submission only super fights on the card!

Tom Everett kicked things off for the Absolute MMA team on the undercard, and fought a close, tough match that eventuated in a loss via decision. This was a great fight from Tom, and we’re super proud of his work and to have him as a representative from the Absolute MMA St Kilda team no matter the decision.

The co-main event rolled around, and black belt Ben Hodgkinson went up against British opponent Ashley Amos. Amos is known for piling on the pressure, however Ben dealt with this promptly, showing an absolute textbook counter of Amos’s takedown attempt, sweeping, passing and then taking the back to sink in a rear-naked choke for the submission. Congratulations to Ben on his win!

A highly anticipated main event saw our very own Craig Jones versus Matheus Diniz. In the beginning of the bout, Diniz poured on the intensity, aggressively attempting to pass Craig’s guard. Craig countered successfully, eventually putting Diniz inside his closed guard at approximately 12 minutes into the match. This clash of styles saw the match go the distance, with Diniz solidly defending. After 20 minutes, the decision victory eventually went to Craig as the only grappler to attempt submission. With this bout Craig has also promised to learn wrestling to increase his killing power. Congratulations on a well-deserved decision Craig!

Sunday the 16th of September, the Reggio Calabria Club in Melbourne – Our Boxing team members Ankur Bisla and Dushan Wanniarachchige headed to Brunswick for their bouts. Great to see Dushan debuting, congratulations on your first time in the ring! Despite sustaining a loss, Dushan boxed extremely well and showed great composure against a larger and stronger opponent. We look forward to seeing you in the ring once again Dushan!

After becoming state champion last month, Ankur stepped into the ring once again. This was a tough match, and Ankur showed great aggression against a strong opponent, landing straight punches and showing an impressive left that found its target many times. A well deserved win and a tough fight for Ankur, it’s great to see how far you have come and improved in your training. Congratulations on the culmination of all your hard work!

Photos: Tom Everett, Eternal MMA, Ben Hodgkinson, Figure 4 Promotions and Pradeep Singh

Compiled by James Walters and Emilie Yap


We have many amazing people with interesting stories that walk into all our gyms! This member spotlight turns to Nicole “Pocket” Tan, pint sized powerhouse and Muay Thai student! She makes delicious kaya puffs, is known for singing Frozen to drive her training partners crazy and kicks like a demon. Read on to find out more about Nicole!

Occupation: Student, Occupational Therapist to be, General Helper
Martial Arts/Sports: Muay Thai, a bit of Boxing

How did you get into the sport?

When I was 14, I asked my dad if I could be a cheerleader. He said “No. It is too dangerous.” I asked him if I could try Muay Thai, he said “Okay”.

What are your immediate training goals?

Learn to actually slip AWAY from the oncoming hand. Joking. To improve my stamina and endurance. I gas out after the second kick.

What are your goals for the next five years?

Not be clueless in BJJ and possibly get a blue belt! 😀

What is your favorite move?

I like knee-ing and kicking things because i have the upper body strength of a chicken.

Favourite workout/walkout song?

I’m on Fire- Nick Kingsley

Nicknames & Fight Names?

Toohey has dubbed me: rice, pocket rocket, pocket,’punch like a grandma-kick like a boy’, little bull (little boob according to Edie, don’t know how i feel about that one…). People have also started calling me Nicky since starting at Absolute, which I have never been called in my life. Romeo has disregarded my actual name and introduced me as Nicky to everyone he knows.

Can you tell us about where you’re from and any interesting stories growing up? If you’re not originally from Melbourne, how’d you end up living in Melbourne, Australia?

I am originally from Malaysia. Spent 23 years of my life there and now I’m here in pursuit of becoming an occupational therapist.

Who are the kind of people that you look up to and why?

I look up to the people around me, as cheesy as it sounds. You don’t have to be famous or explicitly extraordinary to inspire people. There is good in everyone if you look hard enough, so I choose to be inspired by everyday people.

What’s your favourite place to eat in Melbourne and your #1 dish recommendation?

Dragon hot pot because of the soup. I can’t make soup and its cold 80% of the year in Melbourne.

If you could go back in time to your first martial art class, what would be the advice you give to your past self?

Pay attention when you’re holding pads, because one day, training Muay Thai in college, you’re gonna get kicked in the face, leaving a big gash inside your cheek. And do more cardio you lazy bum!

“Pocket is easy to get along with, good student, always listens and works hard. She is always friendly and gets along with everyone- that’s Nicole. Pocket always gives 100%.” – Laos Toohey

“She’s fun, cute and caring. One of a kind.” – Amy Ong, training partner

“She’s tiny and adorable with stretchy cheeks like a mochi…looks are deceiving though, she punches super hard and kicks like a donkey. Short legs are also not so easy to make fun of when you are being choked out by them. Love her to the moon and back, couldn’t ask for a better training partner.” – Emilie Yap, training partner


Coach Steve Phillips started training in Brazilian Jiu-Jitsu in 2003 and has since competed at all belt levels, across the Adult, Masters and Seniors age divisions, receiving medals at State, National and International level. He has taught self-defence classes to beginners and advanced students and his coaching style is relaxed, inclusive and thoughtful. Helping many of our students to feel more confident in their ability in our Self Defence class, you could argue that Steve is most definitely the hero we need right now. Read on to find out more about this absolute gentleman!

What would you consider your greatest achievements in Martial Arts?

Being graded to Black Belt in Brazilian Jiu Jitsu by my coach and friend Thiago Stefanutti in 2016. 13 years in the making.

What made you start Martial Arts?

I started because I had been working weird hours for a while and saw a few unsavoury incidents on public transport while travelling home. I still train for the same reason, although today my focus is on helping others.

How did you first get involved with Absolute MMA? (What industry were you in prior to Martial Arts? What made you change?)

My first (and only other) Jiu-Jitsu academy closed down. Thiago immediately made me feel welcome on his mat and I have been ‘home’ ever since.

Favourite workout/walkout song?

Express yourself by NWA. I don’t know why, but if that comes on when we are rolling I get into a real flow.

Can you tell us about where you’re from and any interesting stories growing up? If you’re not originally from Melbourne, how’d you end up living in Melbourne, Australia?

I grew up in country Victoria and moved to Melbourne to work. I also come from a family of Bee Keepers!

If you could only eat one thing for the rest of your life, what would it be?

My mum’s lasagna.

What were some funny/interesting/weird hobbies you had when you were a teenager?

None, but I did have an awesome 12th level Wizard in Dungeons and Dragons……

Besides martial arts, what else are you passionate about and why?

I’m passionate and fiercely protective of my family. I love them more than anything.

Who are the kind of people that you look up to and why?

I look up to people that are chasing a goal. They find the time, they put in the work. Win, lose or draw…they put in genuine effort. These people are everywhere, away from the spotlight, putting in the work.

When was the last time you did something new for the first time and what was it?

I recently went diving with my son in Bali. Being underwater kind of freaks me out.

Have you ever worked a job not in the fitness/martial arts industry? What were the highlights and lessons you learned?

I’ve worked in Banking and Finance for the past 20 years. I have learned that banking is like Martial Arts, the connection you make with people is what creates success.

If you could go back in time to your first martial art class, what would be the advice you give to your past self?

That it’s all worth it.

During a Absolute MMA staff retreat a zombie apocalypse breaks out. You get separated with 3 AMMA team members. Who would be part your dream team and why?

Definitely Thiago, because with the size of his head he will kill many Zombies by head butting them. And Mo because he will keep me motivated to run for my life!

“Super chill, nice guy.” – Apryl Eppinger

“He’s the most down to earth and friendly guy you’ll ever come across. Always ready to help map out your game plan and take the time to fine tune your techniques without hesitation.”- Stephanie Scipione

“Steve Philips, the definition of sustained success and hard work.”- Stanley Huang

“When I think of Steve Phillips what comes to mind is the traditional spirit of martial arts. He is humble, kind, gracious and always willing to contribute to anyone and everyone around him. He is also dedicated to empowering people to use martial arts not only for the building of fitness, but for their own confidence. There are even some cases in which I know he has assisted people to overcome past trauma around assaults, etc. I see Steve as a mentor and as a humble giant in our gym.” – Anton Harrison-Kern

Photos: Dogs of War Photography and Thiago Stefanutti

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