Willpower is a finite resource, but YOU can access more!

Have you ever heard of ‘decision fatigue’? It’s what happens when you’ve been worn down through the day, deciding on everything from what to wear and where to sit, through to major business decisions or whether to go to Simon’s birthday on the weekend.

We have the most willpower (mental fortitude) in the mornings. However, by the evening – when a lot of us train – we are weaker and succumb to temptations more easily.

So how do we get past this block? We create habits! Habits are very powerful tools in our training arsenal. A well established habit will override a mild temptation or lapse in willpower.

Three stages of a habit

1. The Cue. Identify or create a trigger that tells you that it’s time to carry out a routine.
It can be an alarm – morning alarm for early sessions, or a calendar reminder for lunch and evening trainers. Or, maybe you’re a visual cue type person. Try keeping your gym bag in sight, so you have a constant reminder of your appointment with the gym.

2. Routine. In the case for training – is the physical behavior that follows the cue.
You leave home or work, get to the gym, and get ready for the session. Structured classes are handy to take away the decisions for what to do. Try limiting the chances to divert from your path to the gym.

3. Reward. The stimulus that we receive as a result of finishing the routine.
Remember the immediate euphoria after a hard session? The Oo-Rah at the end of a Lycan session. The handshakes at the end of jits class. The fist bumps at the end of a striking session. Or a big sweaty hug, showing your respect for some excellent sparring with a teammate. And don’t forget the longer term results from the training! Better fitness, improved shape, upgraded skills, and shaping yourself towards being the best version of you!

Other tips:

Plan ahead – pack your bags the night before so you can remove a barrier to completing your habit the next day.
Be accountable – tell people about your habits and associated goals to create more drive for your actions.
Commit – to at least 3 weeks (21 days) and see the habit flourish
Have fun / share the fun – share your passion for martial arts and fitness with those around you. Whether you’re a self professed ‘team captain’, or able to encourage the person next to you – we’re a team, and teams go further together.

What are your cues, actions and rewards? Comment and share.


Getting the most out of your first month training boxing

Getting the most out of your first month training boxing
3 tips from coach Pradeep Singh when starting your boxing journey

Learn the rules and fouls in boxing.
Can you hold? What is the definition of ‘back of the head’? Can you push someone in a fight? There are a lot of assumptions about what boxing is and how it is scored. For your own development, and the safety of your training partners, you should take a minute to look up the rules. (I prefer YouTube videos)

This will also make viewing boxing fights more interesting, as you’ll know who’s winning and how the referee is adjudicating before half of the room does.

Happy Feet
Footwork is arguably the most important element of boxing. All beginners often think it is punching, but how can you build a house without a foundation? Concentrating on your footwork early will prevent poor habits from forming. You will find your balance improve, and as a result, your punching power will increase. And who doesn’t want more power, right!?

Learn how to punch
This seems very obvious, but quite often beginners try to learn a 20 punch combo, an exotic punch, or something else they found off YouTube – before establishing their jab and cross. Introduction and fundamental classes are essential for learning to punch correctly, which could save your hands from injury and better your defense.

Boxing correctly is not only for boxers with aspirations for fighting. It can be more challenging to punch with good form, and therefore increase the workout.

So whether you’re boxing to get fit, release the pent up energy from your day, or looking to become the next Muhammad Ali – learn the proper form and technique to see your results excel.


Queen’s Birthday Hours

There will be no classes at any Absolute MMA location on Monday, June 12 due to the Queen’s Birthday Public Holiday.

Absolute MMA Melbourne CBD will host an open mat/gym from 11am to 1pm.

Absolute MMA St Kilda will host an open mat from 10am to 12pm.

Absolute MMA Collingwood will host an open mat/gym from 9am to 11am.

Getting the most out of your first month training MMA

Getting the most out of your first month training MMA

3 Tips from MMA Coach Jeremy Wharerau

1.Go slow to learn fast

A lot of beginners try to hit as hard and fast as they can. The problem with this is that all technique gets thrown out the door, and a bunch of bad muscle memories are formed. Instead, forget that you’re trying to hit something at all. Just focus on slow controlled body movements, creating the correct muscle memory. Once you develop good muscle memory through slow controlled movement, add the speed and power last.

2.Learn how you learn best

We are all unique creatures whom are shaped, move, think, and process information differently. Understanding how you learn best will sky rocket your MMA development, as you can apply that process to whatever technique you want.
To figure out your optimum learning process – take note of the “light bulb moments” when a technique or movement clicks for you. Think about the entire process leading to the light bulb. All of the who, what, where, when, how, and why questions are important to understand the process as to why that technique clicked at that time.Then try repeat that process with other techniques constantly refining your learning process until you know how you learn best. This is a very hard thing to learn about yourself but once you do sky’s the limit.

3.Learn MMA last

It’s important to learn the fundamentals of boxing, muay thai, wrestling, and Brazilian jiu jitsu first. Build your training schedule to incorporate striking and grappling classes so that you can then learn how to put the different martial arts together in MMA sessions.

This famous quote from Bruce Lee is the key philosophy to base your MMA training around … 





5 Reasons to train MMA

5 Reasons to train MMA

1. Burn, baby, burn! (like a disco inferno):  You can burn up to 1,000 calories an hour while practicing mixed martial arts. Training MMA can get you into the best shape of your life! I say ‘shape’ because ‘weight’ should only be a consideration for competitors around fight times. Don’t be deterred if you actually put on some ‘weight’ after you start training, it’s more than likely muscle, and I’m sure you’ll be a fitter shape!

2. Friends & networks: There’s a popular African proverb that says, “If you want to go quickly, go alone. If you want to go far, go together.” MMA is a sport that competes as individuals, however, there is still so much to be gained from the relationships you make within the team. Your teammates can:

  • help you improve your techniques,
  • keep you accountable to your goals,
  • provide a social outlet with people of similar interests, and
  • extend your networks past your usual reach.

3. That ‘cathartic’ feeling! It’s that feeling right after you finish a great session, where you feel the tensions and anxieties of your life melt away. Even if only until you arrive home, or back to work – it’s that rush of endorphins that draws us to the gym, and keeps us coming back. It get’s us out from our cosy beds on cold mornings, or away from the bar on tough days at the office. The release of stress through physical activity can boost your energy levels and help re-balance your perspective.

4. Self-esteem & confidence It is broadly recognised that physical exercise can boost confidence and self-esteem. One way this can be achieved is through learning new techniques, developing / refining skills, and generally gaining more knowledge of your own abilities. You shouldn’t be surprised that after training MMA, ‘that work emergency’ wont throw you off your game. This is because that ‘emergency’ isn’t trying to punch you in the face (hopefully!).

5. Build discipline & focus Starting is the toughest step. It takes the most effort to move from a standstill to running. Once you get moving and form the new habits of regular training (which will be easy considering the above benefits) – you will be able to invest your willpower into making more good decisions, and forming your next set of habits in your life.



Absolute Amateur MMA Comp!

On Saturday, June 3 2017 Absolute MMA Collingwood will host Absolute MMA’s first Amateur MMA Competition!

DATE: Saturday, June 3 2017
LOCATION: Absolute MMA Collingwood, 134 Cromwell St, Collingwood
WEIGH INS: 7.00PM Friday, June 2 2017

REGISTRATION DEADLINE: Monday, May 29, 2017.

For more information and to register, visit:


New Opening Hours in Absolute MMA Collingwood!

Starting May 1st we are expanding our opening hours in Absolute MMA Collingwood! Our new hours of operation are as follows:

Mon to Thu: 12.00PM to 9.00PM
Friday: 12.00PM to 8.00PM
Saturday: 9.00AM to 12.30PM
Sunday: Closed
Public Holidays: Closed

The gym will also be open for the 6.45AM to 7.30AM Functional Strength classes on Monday and Thursday too.

Also, with the Carnage seminar this Saturday there are a couple adjustments to the timetable:

The Women Only Muay Thai class will run as normal from 9AM.

The 10.00AM Muay Thai class is cancelled. Obviously we encourage everyone to come to the Carnage seminar instead!

MMA sparring will instead start from 12.00PM.

Alex Volkanovski and Muay Thai legend Nathan “Carnage” Corbett come to Absolute MMA!

Two huge seminars next weekend that no mixed martial artist or striker can afford to miss! UFC’s Alex Volkanovski and Muay Thai legend Nathan “Carnage” Corbett come to Absolute MMA Collingwood!

Friday, April 28 from 7.00pm we are excited to host rising Aussie UFC talent Alex Volkanovski! Alex rose quickly through the local MMA scene in Australia, becoming known for his phenomenal strength and conditioning, very heavy hands and well rounded game. He made his UFC debut in November 2016 and made his prescence known on the big stage as he knocked out his first opponent. Alex is certainly one of the hottest prospects in Australian MMA and this is a fanatic opportunity to learn from a future star!

Saturday, April 29 from 10am we will also host 11-time Muay Thai World Champion Nathan “Carnage” Corbett! Carnage is widely consider to be one of Australia’s best ever fighters and for 10 years dominated the light-heavyweight and cruiserweight divisions internationally. A rare opportunity to learn directly from one of the sport’s truly elite!

The seminars are $50 each if you prepay (in gym or online using the links below) or $70 on the door.

Purchase your Volkanovski seminar ticket now and save $20: Click Here
Purchase your “Carnage” seminar ticket now and save $20: Click Here

Please note that due to the Carnage seminar there will be no 10am Muay Thai class on Saturday.

ANZAC Day Trading Hours

There will be no classes at any Absolute location on Tuesday, April 25th due to the ANZAC Day Public Holiday.

The CBD will host an open mat from 12.00PM to 2.00PM
St Kilda will be open 10.00AM to 12.00PM
Collingwood will be open 10.00AM to 12.00PM.

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